Swan Creek’s Vietnam vets to be memorialised

Swan Creek School of Arts Committee members Rhonda Gresinger, Anne Coy and Elaine Wiedman will memorialise the area's Vietnam War veterans alongside both World War honour boards. (Lucy Waldron: 419066)

By Jeremy Cook

Two Vietnam War veterans are set to be memorialised on the walls of Swan Creek’s century-old community hall.

Allan and Barry Cutmore, believed to be cousins, will be the first names etched onto an honour board erected inside the Swan Creek School of Arts after a successful $2000 federal grant application.

The board will hang alongside two pre-existing honour boards which recognise some of Swan Creek’s World War one and two veterans.

Details of those veterans were not easy to come by. School of Arts committee member Rhonda Gresinger spent several years conducting research to uncover records of Swan Creek’s war veterans.

“I spent two years researching them and I got their photos on the wall and their records in a filing cabinet for people to look at,” Ms Gresinger said.

“I enjoyed it but it took a long time.”

Fellow committee member Elaine Wiedman has been helping Ms Gresinger with the project.

“We have a wonderful display where she [Ms Gresinger] has collected all their records and photographs,” Ms Wiedman said.

“Then there were only the Vietnam War ones … we didn’t have an honour board for them out there.

“So this is what she has done.”

Ms Gresinger plans to add more names if or when she uncovers more details.

The committee secured funding for the project under the federal government’s latest round of “Saluting Their Service” grants.