Consultation reopens on highway’s safety upgrades

Community consultation will reopen for residents to have their say on targeted safety upgrades along the Cunningham Highway. (TMR)

By Jeremy Cook

Motorists will have another chance to share concerns about a 100-kilometre stretch of state highway west of Warwick ahead of a planned $16.89 million road safety upgrade.

Upgrades to improve the safety of the Cunningham Highway between Warwick and Inglewood have been mooted for several years and will soon kick into gear.

Detailed designs are set for completion by August after which construction tenders will be sought, according to Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Before then though, the department has launched another round of community consultation after proposing a host of improvements based on issues identified during the first round of consultation in 2021.

Under current proposals, the road will be widened, roadside hazards removed, intersections upgraded and double barrier line marking installed. Three minor intersections at Link Road’s northern leg, Meiklejohn Road’s east and west leg, and Warrabah Road will also be closed.

In a statement to media, the department’s regional director Bill Lansbury said community consultation was again open “to everyone who uses the Cunningham Highway or lives in this area”.

“We would like to hear from residents, business operators and highway users to help us make informed decisions when designing safety improvements for this section of the highway,” Mr Lansbury said.

“Your comments will help us to understand the issues you face.”

Mr Lansbury said consultation will occur over the coming months with stakeholders “most likely to be affected”.

“Once the detailed design process is complete and we have a solution, we will move into the construction phase,” he said.

Road users can have their say on the project by emailing, or calling 07 4639 0777.