Letters to the editor: Time to step up

Time to step up:

With the Queensland elections fast approaching I do hope that the opposition leader David Crisafulli has the intestinal fortitude to at least support Peter Dutton with his push to nuclear power or even better support the existing coal-fired powered power plants, which I doubt he has.

I have come to expect nothing from David Crisafulli, he did nothing to help with de-amalgamation of councils despite promises to do so.

The upcoming election should be an almost complete annihilation of the existing Labor government with all its major problems, cost of living, youth crime, hospital waiting list, highest crime rate in Australia, cover up of the power station explosion etc.

With our system of government the government is only as good as the opposition, the opposition has not been able to hold the government to account on any occasion, which basically says it all, it looks as though we will change government at the upcoming election if so will it be a case of “dumb and dumber“.

John Salata, Glen Aplin.

NAIDOC kudos:

Congratulations to our local NAIDOC week team!

I’d like to congratulate Maria De Vries and team for a successful NAIDOC week event at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre last Sunday.

It was a very enjoyable and joyous occasion making connections in our community to “Keep the Fire Burning!”. It was a great opportunity to showcase First Nations culture with activities and a beautiful didgerdoo performance by Clinton. We also

enjoyed delicious food including kangaroo and native yam curry and Barramundi fish cakes.

This year’s theme is “Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud” with the fire being a symbol of connection to the land and each other.

This event certainly was successful in bringing the community together. It was a generous sharing of culture and connection. Thank you and Well done!

Geraldine Hollingsworth, Lyra.