Community spirit shines after Jumpers and Jazz

The WIRAC community group donated their $500 Jazzercise winnings to the Churches of Christ One Table Cafe & Function Centre's Community Christmas Lunch. (Supplied).

By Lucy Waldron

The benefits of the Jumpers and Jazz in July festival continue to be felt long after the yarn has been packed away and the jazz has left town. One standout event during the festival was the Jazzercise class, which attracted hundreds of participants in an attempt to break records.

The Criterion Hotel sponsored the event, offering $500 to the group with the largest number of participants. The winners were the WIRAC community group, boasting 53 participants.

The Churches of Christ One Table Cafe & Function Centre has a longstanding relationship with the ladies at WIRAC, with Ellie Kelso serving as the instructor for their monthly Free Community Stretch & Meditation class.

In a gesture of community spirit, the WIRAC group decided to donate their $500 prize to the Churches of Christ One Table Cafe & Function Centre for their Community Christmas Lunch.

Campus Manager Noo Shepherd expressed gratitude for the donation, highlighting its impact.

“The $500 donation from the WIRAC community group will make a massive difference to our Community Christmas Lunch,” Ms Shepherd said.

The lunch is expected to host and provide meals for around 100 community members.

“We will serve some community members sleeping rough, some doing it tough with the cost of living crisis, and others seeking friendship and company on a day that’s usually shared with family,” she said.

With Homelessness Week 2024 being observed from Monday, August 5, to Sunday, August 11, and this year’s theme being ‘Homelessness Action Now,’ highlighting the efforts of community members in this sector is even more critical.

For more information on the Community Christmas Lunch, contact the Churches of Christ One Table Cafe & Function Centre.