Council: stop it where it starts


The Southern Downs Regional Council has issued a strong response to recent defamatory comments made on social media, taking a firm stand against the offensive behaviour.

In a statement addressing the issue, the Council expressed concern over derogatory remarks targeting women, individuals with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQIA community. The council emphasised that such comments are not reflective of the values of the Southern Downs community.

“Recent social media posts have been derogatory and disrespectful to women, community members with disabilities, and our LGBTQIA community,” the council stated.

“They are offensive to all of us in the community, and we will not tolerate this unacceptable behaviour.

“This is not the community we are, and it’s not the community we want to be.”

The Council is urging moderators of local social media sites, as well as friends and family members of those posting these comments, to take action against the spread of harmful and disrespectful language.

“We call on the moderators of social media sites in our region, and the friends and families of those posting these comments, to join us in saying to the perpetrators that disrespectful language and behaviour will not be tolerated in our region. Let’s stop it at the start,” the statement concluded.