Always expect the unexpected

Diane Dawes and Noela Collins compare notes after their win last Monday. (Supplied).

Dealer: N Vul: N/S


♠ 104

♥ AK10742

♦ 86



♠ QJ753 ♠ AK962

♥ 8 ♥ 9653

♦ QJ53 ♦ AK

♣ 973 ♣ 82


♠ 8

♥ QJ

♦ 109742

♣ Q10654

In the draw teams format expect the unexpected. Partners are allocated by drawing lots according to a system which prevents regular partners playing together. On Board 21 (above) all East players should have made the ten tricks necessary to make 4S. The lowly eight of hearts played a role in preventing this from happening. Two Easts did make the necessary ten tricks to fulfill the contract of 4S. At another table the optimistic North who doubled 4S could win two clubs but because of West’s singleton eight could win only one heart. Pat Kelly duly won ten tricks for 420 plus a bonus of 170. Ros Hart and Leanne Munson did next best by doubling North’s bid of 4H. North failed to deal with the 4-1 split in hearts and consequently made only eight tricks. This gave Ros and Leanne 500 points. Ironically, the only East/Pair to win twelve tricks in spades ended the auction in 3S. They therefore scored only 230, which was the lowest score on this board. The curious feature of the leads made by South against 4S was that three out of four Souths led the Jack of hearts, which normally denies holding the Queen. With no idea of the location of the Queen, North in each case won with a top heart and cashed two club tricks. The South who correctly led the Queen of hearts was left on lead, with no clear indication of what to play next. Dummy (West) no longer contained a heart, forcing South to switch to another suit. The ten of diamonds was not a fortunate choice, as it allowed declarer to win all the remaining tricks. North should, of course, have overtaken the Queen of hearts and then won two club tricks.

Results, Monday, 12/08/24 (5-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins D. Dawes (62.1) 1; R. Hart N. McGinness (56.7) 2; J. Smith L. Munson (52.1) 3. E/W P. Campbell T. Hinde (61.7) 1; V. Prentice N. Bonnell (59.2) 2; J. Loy M.Simpson (54.2) 3. Friday, 16/08/24 (5-table Howell Draw Pairs): P. Kelly L. Don (60.6) 1; R. Hart L. Munson (60.2) 2; T. Hinde J. Sipple (52.8) 3;

B. Reid M. Simpson (51.4) 4.