New board steps up to revive Eastern Suburbs

The new Eastern Suburbs board is Secretary Kylie Hart, Registrar Cassie Free (Behind), President Darren Hart, Life Member and Junior President Charlie Thorn (Behind), Treasurer Craig Pettiford, Vice President Robert Baguely. (Lucy Waldron: 428680).

By Lucy Waldron

The Eastern Suburbs Rugby League Club in Warwick is gearing up for a fresh start with the election of a new board dedicated to revitalising the club.

During a special meeting held on Thursday, 29 August, the outgoing committee stepped down, and attendees voted in a new leadership team.

Darren Hart, the newly appointed President, expressed his gratitude to the outgoing committee for their dedication, acknowledging that they had taken on the responsibility when few others were willing to do so.

“We will now get our heads together and get a better picture of what position we are in and what we need to do as far as getting back on our feet and making sure we’re going in the right direction,” Darren said.

More on this soon.