Major livestock markets up

Numbers were up across the board for the two major livestock markets this week, with 1400 head of cattle and 1778 head of sheep and lambs meeting the markets. The weather didn’t affect the cattle sale as no rain was seen until the sale was over. The few areas that received rain made a change to the volume of people and bidders at the sheep and lamb sale. The markets were firm to a shade cheaper for the cattle showing the winter throwback, the fresher trade and feeder cattle didn’t suffer too much and cows were firm. Lambs saw some bigger runs as a few vendors finished off their winter and late blooming lambs as Spring leads us into the new season lambs. Pork is still in short supply for the processors with the lighter end making the most of the sales. Poultry still churns many and varied types for the weekly sale.

Bulls av 287.6c/kg topping at 336.2c/kg or $1225.47 to $3516.04

Cows av 257.1c/kg topping at 320.2c/kg or $1308.07 to $2385.49

Feeder heifers av 282.1c/kg topping at 378.2c/kg or $960.44 to $2020.32

Feeder steers av 357c/kg topping at 394.2c/kg or $1275.66 to $1797.73

Heifers av 292.2c/kg topping at 336.2c/kg or $1294.46 to $2274.04

Manufacturing steers av and topped at 240.2c/kg to return $756.63

Steers av 331.6c/kg topping at 356.2c/kg or $1702.49 to $2287.80

Vealer heifers av 274.3c/kg topping at 334.2c/kg or $635.18 to $1169.70

Vealer steers av 345.5c/kg topping at 401.2c/kg or $781.02 to $1256.92

Yearling heifers av 290c/kg topping at 392.2c/kg or $843.97 to $1966.64

Yearling steers av 339.39 topping at 396.2c/kg or $939.77 to $1483.11

Sale av for the 1400 head was $1054.21

Lambs topped at $240 to av $168.57 ($19 up )

Hoggets topped at $160 to av $124.40 ($22 up )

Ewes topped at $120 to av $84.98 ($13 up )

Wethers topped at $100 to av $83.43 ($15 up )

Rams topped at $126 to av $103.85 ($5 down )

Lamb rams topped at $160 to av $116.20 ($5 down)

Sale av of $148.33 for the 1778 head was $23/head up on last week.

Pork sold from $140 to $250, Sows from $195 to $440, Stores from $44 to $216

Guinea Fowl sold to $27.50, Drakes to $7.50, Ganders to $30, Roosters to $22.50, Hens to $25, Pullets to $40, Groups of chicks sold to $75, Hen and chicks sold to $75