Consistent cattle week

Sale numbers were consistent for the cattle at the weekly sale, sheep and lamb numbers doubled and the pig and poultry numbers were also higher.

The markets were firm to a shade easier for cattle, whilst sheep and lamb prices were up and the pork and poultry prices were firm.

Vealer steers av 292c/kg topping at 396.2c/kg or $647.82 to $1056.60

Vealer heifers av 255.7c/kg topping at 340c/kg or $615.08 to $1126.27

Feeder steers av 320.2c/kg topping at 360.2c/kg or $1208.38 to $1605.62

Feeder heifers av 247.9c/kg topping at 288.2c/kg or $799.44 to $1257.59

Yearling steers av 290.7c/kg topping at 376.2c/kg or $830.39 to $1620.87

Yearling heifers av 305.7c/kg topping at 364.2c/kg or $1011.80 to $1311.12

Steers av 272.6c/kg topping at 316.2c/kg or $1539.22 to $2059.47

Heifers av 228.9c/kg topping at 305.2c/kg

Cows av 183c/kg topping at 235.2c/kg or $918.49 to $1769.25

Bulls av 227.6c/kg topping at 328.2c/kg or $1005.78 to $2984.73

Lambs topped at $197 to av $118.23 up $28/head

Hoggets topped at $138 to av $79.55 $11/head down

Ewes topped at $94 to av $59.53 $9/head up

Wethers topped at $170 to av $76.28 $33/head down

Rams topped at $134 to av $80.56 $8/head down

Lamb rams topped at $131 to av $85.15 $8/head up

Yarding of 2072 head of Sheep & Lambs av $94.63/head a rise of $9/head .

Sows sold from $126 to $194, Pork sold from $192 to $202, Light Pork sold from $104 to $150, Stores sold from $30 to $143.

Guinea Fowl sold to $32.50, Roosters sold to $22.50, Hens sold to $27.50, Pullets to $25, Silkys sold to $25, Drakes sold to $50, Ducks sold to $47.50, Turkeys sold to $37.50, Geese sold to $37.50