Winter creeps, older stock moves

Numbers for both major sales this week were firm on last week and as it went sale wise, both entities performed remarkably on the same plane with the yarding’s performing at a slightly better rate for the better types in both finished and feed on with slightly rising prices. The yardings were mainly feed on types and older stock moved on as winter creeps in.

Vealer steers av 306.9c/kg topping at 386.2c/kg or $615.36 to $1044.00

Vealer heifers av 248.9c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $489.41 to $900.00

Feeder steers av 288.5c/kg topping at 366.2c/kg or $1069.31 to $1627.50

Feeder heifers av 214.7c/kg topping at 316.2c/kg or $668.24 to $1319.54

Yearling steers av 349.2c/kg topping at 400.2c/kg or $928.74 to $1456.00

Yearling heifers av 246.6c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $729.57 to $1395.00

Yearling heifers av 246.6c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $729.57 to $1395.00

Steers av 287.3c/kg topping at 336.2c/kg or $1615.74 to $2212.70

Heifers av 258.1c/kg topping at 306.2c/kg or $1180.99 to $1882.88

Manufacturing steers av 19.5c/kg topping at 213.2c/kg or $901.29 to $1204.58

Cows av 186.6c/kg topping at 227.2c/kg or $856.73 to $1859.00

Bulls av 217.9c/kg topping at 269.2c/kg or $855.38 to $2246.21

Sale total of 1202 head av $836.12

Lambs topped at $240 to av $127.64 ($5 up )

Hoggets topped at $115 to av $76.78 ($11 down)

Ewes topped at $128 to av $74.04 ($16 down)

Wethers topped at $115 to av $75.56 ($26 down)

Rams topped at $130 to av $69.18 ($32 down)

Lamb rams topped at $138 to av $71.04 9$50 down)

Sale av of $104.99 was a drop of $5/head for 1868 head yarded.

Pork numbers were back, sows made from $240 to $255, Boars sold to $180, Pork from $170 to $202, Light Pork to $189, Stores from $91 to $182

Poultry was waning in numbers as well, Roosters sold to $20, Hens to $20, Ducks to $20, Guinea Fowl to $20, Pullets and Turkeys sold to $15 and the days highlight was a pair of peacocks highlighting at $50