Beef on the back burn

The livestock numbers for the weekly sales were slightly higher this week than the previous sales. Is this a sign of the change in conditions or not? As we move further into the winter the condition of stock if not supplemented will deteriorate. This is the age-old conundrum do I feed them or do I sell them? This is a frustrating time for both purchasers and vendors as they all like to do their job properly. The market for Beef was on the backburn as both restockers and processors took a long hard look at things. The sheep and Lamb market was slightly different with the heavy trade and export types up as well as feed on types, only if they were going forward.

Vealer steers av 303.1c/kg topping at 352.2c/kg or $685.97 to $1232.00

Vealer heifers av 239.9c/kg topping at 302.2c/kg or $536.66 to $938

Feeder steers av 284.2c/kg topping at 340.2c/kg or $995.43 to $1457.94

Feeder heifers av 242.8c/kg topping at 268.2c/kg or $817.82 to $1148.33

Yearling steers av 317.3c/kg topping at 378.2c/kg or $785.25 to $1401.83

Yearling heifers av 245.4c/kg topping at 346.2c/kg or $710.88 to $1411.83

Steers av 264.7c/kg topping at 305c/kg or $1567.33 to $1931.89

Heifers av 227c/kg topping at 290.2c/kg or $993.35 to $1352.33

Cows av 179.9c/kg topping at 225.2c/kg or $933.35 to $1563.77

Bulls av 243.5c/kg topping at 318.2c/kg or $1105.86 to $2275.00

Sale total of 1231 head was at $$834.69

Lambs topped at $190 to av $135.19 ($ 8/head up )

Hoggets topped at $134 to av $90.85 ( $14/head up )

Ewes topped at $114 to av $60.78 ($ 14/head down)

Wethers topped at $90 to av $61.07 ($14/head down )

Rams topped at $114 to av $42.93 ($27/ head down)

Lamb rams topped at $130 to av $99.39 ($28/head up )

Ewe lambs topped at $170 to av $146.21 ($ 21/head up )

Sale total of 1926 head was $112.79 a rise of $8/head across the total yarding.

Pig numbers were up this week and prices were firmer. Boars sold to $130, Sows to $186, Pork $116 to $290, Stores from $ 40 to $195

Poultry numbers seemed to be unaffected by the seasonal aspects with Rosters selling to $22.50, Hens o $25, Laying hens to $15, Ducks to $ $15, Guinea Fowl to $15, Turkeys selling to $40, Peacocks selling to $30