Western growers bring Merino

A similar yarding of sheep and lambs were at the weekly sale, with the only difference being in weight, finish and type compared to the last weeks sale. The Western growers sent a few lines of very handy Merino types and along with the New England and local vendors saw a sale that was up in value for most categories. Lambs topped at $190 to av $135.19 ($8/head up ), Hoggets topped at $134 to av $90.85 ($18/head up ), Ewes topped at $114 to av $60.78 ($14/head down), Wethers topped at $90 to av $61.07 ($14/head down), Rams topped at $114 to av $42.93 ($27/head down), Lamb rams topped at $130 to av $99.39 ($28/head up), Ewe lambs topped at $170 to av $146.21. The total yarding of 1926 head averaged $112.79 per head a rise of $8/head over last week.

Greenup Maryland P/S sold Dorset lambs 54.5kg to Tonys Supa Meats and Eversons for $188

Baines Family sold 50kg Dorper x lambs to Eversons for $160

David Sedgwick sold Dorper x lambs 52kg to Eversons for $161

Allen Family sold Xbred lambs 57kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $190, 53.5kg to Warwick Meats for $177, Hoggets 73.8kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $132, wethers to Eversons for $90

Stuart & Prue Barkla sold Dorset lambs shorn 52.1kg to Eversons for $160, 47.4kg to Eversons for $137

Russell & Jackie Hughes sold Suffolk lambs off crop 44.5kg to GR Prime for $139, 90kg hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $133

Andy & Helen Ferrier sold Dorper lambs 46kg to Mc Mahon Bros for $161

Cobby & Theresa Hobbs sold Dorper lambs 45kg to GR Prime for $139, hoggets 48kg to restockers for $126

Dugald & Jenny Spenceley sold Dorper lambs 51kg to Warwick Meats for $166, 45kg to Mc Intyre Meats for $136

Owen Mc Auley sold Merino hogget wethers 53.8kg to Eversons for $70, 46.4kg to Eversons for $49, 53kg wethers to Eversons for $67, Merino stag to Eversons for $50 and Merino wether to restockers for $68

Hacker Family sold Merino wethers 2 and 4tooth 46.8kg to restockers for $82, 45kg to Eversons for $60, Ewe 2 and 4 tooth 47 and 45kg to Eversons for $51, 35kg ewe 2 and 4 tooth to Eversons for $27, 32.5kg wethers to restockers for $28 and $10, Polled rams to restockers for $80, to Eversons for $30, to restockers for $30, Horned Merino rams to Eversons for $30

Fred Hacker sold Merino wethers to Eversons for $79, Ewes to Eversons for $55, stags to Leslie Lamb for $70, rams to Eversons for $37