Lambs for Make a Wish

Agents and vendors today yarded a total of 1609 head of livestock for the weekly sale. The market was a 50/50 spit between Lambs and Mutton.

The lambs today topped at $194 to av $119.98 ($36 down), Hoggets topped at $130 to av $84 ($6 down), Ewes topped at $121 to av $60.18 (Par with last sale), Wethers topped at $95 to av $72.59 ($11 up ), Rams topped at $74 to av $63 ($21 up ), Lamb rams topped at $166 to av $72.95 ($17 down ). The market today was skewed with a greater percentage of lambs falling into the lightweight categories across the board. A client today offered a quantity of lambs to the wonderful Make A Wish Foundation the accolades are all with the vendor as we were soooo excited for the finish to achieve $100 for the 35 kg lambs donated by Glen Bowman and purchased by Mc Intyre Meats, great work both parties.

Dan Roche sold Dorper x lambs 55kg to Take It Easy meats for $170

Mark Fowke sold Dorper x lambs 53.75 kg to Take IT Easy meats for $180, Ewes to Eversons for $75

Warren & Wendy Schelbach sold Dorper lambs 48kg to Eversons for $169

Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper x lambs 47.1kg to Grants Quality Meats & Tonys Supa Meats for 175, Charolais x 47kg to Leslie Lamb for $151

Ferrier Livestock sold Dorper lambs 43kg to Leslie Lamb for $151, 42.9kg to MC Mahon Bros for $146

Carbean Past Co sold Dorper lambs 57.5kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $194

MT Pleasant Primary Production sold Suffolk ewe lambs 49 kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $155, Rams to $74

Marty & Margie Kerlin sold Suffolk x lambs 72.5kg to restockers for $166, to Take IT Easy Meats for $150

Cooinda P/s sold Dorper lambs 40.1kg to restockers for $108, 42 kg to GR Prime for $88, 36.8kg to GR Prime for $89, Merino wethers to Eversons for $49, Merino wethers to Eversons for $50

Grant & Sandra Nowland sold Dorper lambs 38.9kg to GR Prime for $107

Stuart & Prue Barkla sold Dorset x lambs 44.5kg to Shelley F/T for $123, 41kg to Shelley F/T for $110, 30.7kg to restockers for $53