Rain stopped flow

Numbers varied across the markets this week as rain in some areas stopped the flow of stock to both sale and markets. Cattle numbers were back whilst Sheep and Lamb numbers increased for this first sale of the new financial year. The pig, poultry and calves numbers were on a par with previous sales. Cattle numbers saw 624 head meet the market with Sheep and lamb numbers increasing to 2635 head.

The markets were firm for the fresher, better types going forwards with the lighter stock lacking finish falling in rates.

Vealer steers av 304.9c/kg topping at 408.2c/kg or $660.26 to $782.55

Vealer heifers av 227.4c/kg topping at 260c/kg or $463.53 to $832.00

Feeder steers av 275c/kg topping at 328.2c/kg or $1062.09 to $1692.80

Feeder heifers av 256.9c/kg topping at 390.2c/kg or $954.71 to $2029.04

Yearling steers av 332.6c/kg topping at 416.2c/kg or $916.20 to $1918.71

Yearling heifers av 257.7c/kg topping at 310.2c/kg or $721.99 to $1174.50

Steers av 251.2c/kg topping at 295.2c/kg or $1678.56 to $1977.84

Heifers av 260c/kg topping at 287.2c/kg or $1433.80 to $2010.40

Cows av 214.3c/kg topping at 255.2c/kg or $1175.33 to $1890.81

Bulls av 277.4c/kg topping at 374.2c/kg or $1251.18 to $2739.99

Lambs topped at $215 to av $128.03 ($8/head down)

Hoggets topped at $126 to av $59.91 ($37/head down)

Ewes topped at $120 to av $83.73 ($13/head up )

Wethers topped at $130 to av $99.93($11/head up )

Rams topped at $76 to av $48.65 ($26/head down)

Lamb Rams topped at $130 to av $102.85 ($3/head down)

Total yarding av $103.41 a drop of $9/head week on week.

Pork sales were limited to stores selling from $10 to $167.

Roosters saw a top of $25, Hens to a top of $17.50, Pullets to $35, Chickens to $17.50, Ducks to $73