Majority stable for sale

Numbers remained stable for the major sales this week as cattle and sheep vendors looked to move stock on. The yarding is showing a more trade and restocker article being available as we move further into the winter months. Cattle saw 989 head meet the market on a cold blustery sale, with the Sheep and Lamb section yarding 1305 head to their weekly sale. The markets were firm for most spectrums at both sales, with the good trade and export weights ending higher as long as the finish was with the weight.

Vealer steers av 345.2c/kg topping at 400c/kg or $843.71 to $1175.76

Vealer heifers av 278c/kg topping at 334.2c/kg or $643.80 to $923.65

Feeder steers av 325.2c/kg topping at 376.2c/kg or $1265.47 to $1630.07

Feeder heifers av 284.2c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $1002.81 to $1215.00

Yearling steers av 339.2c/kg topping at 390.2c/kg or $1029.00 to $1814.43

Yearling heifers av 256c/kg topping at 358.2c/kg or $732.36 to $1312.00

Steers av 320.3c/kg topping at 357.2c/kg or $1903.31 to $2244.41

Heifers av 258.4c/kg topping at 311.2c/kg or $1129.92 to $1991.24

Cows av 233.1c/kg topping at 280c/kg or $1220.67 to $2063.60

Bulls av 276.1c/kg topping at 330.2c/kg or $1639.87 to $3154.53

Sheep and Lamb numbers were consistent with last week’s total of 1305 head yarded.

Lambs topped at $229 to av $147.73 ($2/head down )

Hoggets topped at $160 to av $116.72 ($15/head up )

Ewes topped at $90 to av $66.45 ($14/head down )

Wethers topped at $97 to av $53.06 ($51/head down)

Rams topped at $86 to av $70.44 ($4/head down )

Lamb rams topped at $150 to av $111.56 ($15/head up )

Sale av of $111.56 was $10/head cheaper than last week.

Pork numbers were back with the prices firming slightly, Sows sold from $165 to $365, Gilts from $150 to $280, Baconers sold to $125, Pork from $120 to $232, Stores from $66 to $170

Poultry numbers were also back with Hen & chicks selling to $75, Groups of Ducklings selling to $20, Roosters selling to $27.50, Hens selling to $30, Mixed sex chickens selling to $25, Turkeys selling to $30, Ducks selling to $12.50