Cattle on par

Market numbers were on a par for cattle, whilst the sheep and lamb numbers increased across the board. The good trade and export lambs shared the platform with a larger number of trade lambs and mutton as well as some good runs of export mutton. Pork and poultry numbers were subdued. The prices for most categories were firm to a shade dearer across the spectrum.

Vealer steers av 342.6c/kg topping at 440c/kg or $756.84 to $1126.27

Vealer heifers av 291.3c/kg topping at 318.2c/kg or $672.65 to $996.52

Feeder steers av 317c/kg topping at 367.2c/kg or $1155.09 to $1887.00

Feeder heifers av 267.4c/kg topping at 306.2c/kg or $859.13 to $1445.31

Yearling steers av 358.9c/kg topping at 400c/kg or $923.43 to $1581.93

Yearling heifers av 303.7c/kg topping at 396.2c/kg or $968.60 to $1763.09

Steers av 336.6c/kg topping at 353.2c/kg or $2117.10 to $2551.87

Heifers av 287.8c/kg topping at 328.2c/kg or $1262.60 to $2034.84

Manufacturing steers av and topped at 234.2c/kg or $866.54

Cows av 261c/kg topping at 309.2c/kg or $1363.79 to $2226.50

Bulls av 290.9c/kg topping at 356.2c/kg or $1924.72 to $3036.96

Lambs topped at $240 to av $134.19 ($13/down)

Hoggets topped at $143 to av $112.17 ($4/ up )

Ewes topped at $108 to av $69.85 ($3/down )

Wethers topped at $120 to av $78.17 ($25/ up)

Rams topped at $102 to av $66.53 ($4/ down)

Lamb rams topped at $124 to av $79.23 ($22/down)

Sale av of $118.48 for the 3239 head yarded was $3/head cheaper than last sale.

Sows sold from $265 to $370, Pork from $151 to $178, Stores from $39 to $191.

Roosters sold to $20, Hens to $35, Chickens to $25, Trios to $20, Pullets to $32.50, Call Ducks to $12.50, Hen & Chicks to $75