Markets eased in most lines

Agents yarded approximately 1400 head to the weekly cattle sale, the market eased in most lines, with the exception being the feeder cattle with finish and condition, Cows were slightly back on the previous sales, with a lot to do with the lighter cows yarded. The market categories report is not available to report today as the upgrading of the system still is being done, hope fully fixed for next week’s report.

Sheep and Lamb numbers whilst still not huge saw a total of 2258 head meet the market, in line with the cattle market stock eased across the board, Lambs topped at $192 to average $109.08, Ewes topped at $173 to av $68.68, Wethers topped at $115 to av $56.30, Rams topped at $180 to av $77.58. The sale average for the sale was $89.30, down by an average of $28/head week on week.

Sows sold from $$210 to $274, Boars sold from $70 to $175, Gilts sold to $178, Pork sold from $160 to $244, Stores sold from $50 to $250

Pullets sold to $32.50, Hens to $17.50, Roosters to $25, Ducks sold to $20, Ducklings to $17.50, Trio of Turkeys sold to $32.50, Turkey Hens sold to $15, Turkey Stags sold to $25, Chicken Hens sold to $22.50, Groups of Chicks sold to $20, Groups of Ducklings sold to $17.50