Light lambs in trade

Agents and vendors combined to present a yarding of 1747 head for the weekly sale, the breakdown was a 70/30 split between lamb and mutton types, with the yarding having a fair percentage of lambs in the light trade and feed on types. Mutton was slightly down with the exception being the heavy articles. The hogget market was firm with a few private buyers pushing the top end, but eased as the weight lowered. Lambs topped at $220 to av $150.04($2/head up), Hoggets topped at $168 to av $116.28 ($7/head down), Ewes topped at $90 to av $64.76 ($1/head up ), Wethers topped at $122 to av $83.54 ($4/head up ), Rams topped at $64 to av $54.66 ($3/head up), Ram lambs topped at $80 to av $74.89 ($38/head down). The sale average of $123.86 was $15/head down on last week.

John & Marion Skinner sold Dorset lambs 60.5kg to Eversons for $191, 47.5kg to Warwick Meats for $174

Warren & Wendy Schelbach sold Dorper lambs 45.9kg to Sommerville Meats for $200, 45.9kg to GR Prime for $170, hoggets 50kg to GR Prime for $140

Campbell Bros sold Dorper lambs 42.9kg to Jock Young Meats for $151, 41.1kg to GR Prime for $130, 57.5kg stag lambs to Take IT Easy Meats for $100

Martin Power sold Suffolk lambs 43.3kg to Carey Bros for $131, hoggets 50kg to Take IT Easy Meats.

JCD Pastoral sold Dorper lambs 51.8kg to GR Prime for $193

Terry Allen sold Dorset x lambs 61.2kg to Eversons for $191, Ewes to Eversons for $75, 65kg hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $138

Avargo F/T sold Aussie White lambs 45.3kg to GR Prime for $152 and 40kg to GR Prime for $124

John Doherty sold Dorset lambs off crop 46.3kg to GR Prime for $139

Dayne & Michelle Barrett sold Dorper lambs 42.9kg to Jock Young Meats for $147, 38kg to Jock Young Meats for $88

Michael Longhurst sold Dorper lambs 43.8kg to MC Intyre Meats for $126, hoggets 44kg to Mc Intyre Meats for $100

Aaron & Candace Learoyd sold Dorset x lambs 33.8kg and 28.5kg to restockers for $81 and $62, Rams to Eversons for $56, Ewe and lamb units to restockers for $81

John & Regina Henry sold Dorper lambs 35kg and 27.5kg to restockers for $82 and $51