Shake Rattle N Bowl celebrates end of season

The season one ten pin bowling league came to an end in June with the end of league function a great success.
More than 100 players attended to play-off for the championships, with the overall women’s champion being Leanne Gangemi, the men’s was Ben Kent and Junior Champion was Isabella Patane.
The winning teams for the season were Monday 7.15pm: Spare Us with 535 points; Tuesday 7.30pm: Strike Force 549 points; Wednesday 6pm: Jake is Awesome 218 points; Wednesday 7.30pm: Ginger Ninja’s 599 points; Thursday 10.30am: Bowling Bros & Sis 426 points, Thursday 6pm: Pin Busters 422 points and Thursday 7.30pm: Lethal Weapons 599 points.
The overall winning team on the night was Spare Us.
The new league season starts on July 11. New players are welcome to join by seeing the staff in the bowling alley. A one-week free trial offer is available for new players.