Sporting stars help local kids get active

Some of Queensland’s top sports identities will pass on their tips and skills to Warwick children at the Bligh Government’s Deadly Sports day on Monday.
Sport Minister Phil Reeves said sports stars including former Brisbane Broncos player Mick De Vere, Australian volleyballer Will Thwaite, Brisbane Lions legend Darryl White and Firebirds star Laura Geitz will work to get the healthy message through to students.
“The Deadly Sports program will promote healthy and active lifestyles to local school students through a series of short, intensive coaching clinics and friendly competition,” Mr Reeves said.
“The clinics will give the kids the opportunity to learn rugby league, netball, volleyball, softball, basketball, touch, AFL, golf and fitness skills,” he said.
“In addition, students will experience a range of indigenous traditional games and artwork.
“The day will also involve a special Mascot race between the various sporting codes to further enhance the healthy lifestyle messages.
“Kids will get to learn from the best in the game while meeting their sporting heroes.”
Mr Reeves said the Deadly Sports program helps to inspire students from regional Queensland and indigenous communities to get involved in a variety of sports and make physical activity an integral part of their lives.
“Queensland kids are getting onboard with this program, with more than 3500 students involved this year alone, testifying to its popularity,” Mr Reeves said.
“Sport can be the fabric of many communities and keeps people of all ages involved in healthy and active lifestyles.
“This is great to see, as the Queensland Government is committed to encouraging more people to get active.
“Under our Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland initiative, we want to help Queenslanders become Australia’s healthiest people by reducing obesity levels by one-third by 2020.”
The Deadly Sports program will be held at the Warwick East State School.