Sport Summit

Are you involved in a Sporting club – then the upcoming Building Active Communities Workshop at the Queensland College of Wine Tourism should be on your agenda. The workshop hosted by Steven Connelly will help you to explore how your club can effectively manage its resources for both members and stakeholders.

Topics of discussion will include Club Governance – Strategic goals, monitoring organisational performance, compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and committee ethics, Financial Management – overview of club accounts, financial reports, preparation and monitoring of budgets, audit processes and legal obligations and finally an overview of relevant laws and policies and highlights recent changes that impact on clubs.

The evening’s facilitator Steven Connolly is an environmental planner, with a particular focus on finding solutions for sport and recreation organisations and local councils. His comprehensive understanding of sporting organisations, his expertise and enthusiasm have enabled him to successfully and assist many community clubs and local councils. The Summit is set down for Feb 27th and registrations close on Friday February 22nd. You can register online through the South West Sport and Rec website or call 07 4615 3600 | Email