Wet track and tricky conditions

It was another wet track for those who turned out for the February Monthly Medal at Stanthorpe Golf Club last Saturday.

As a result of the conditions scores were higher, with not much run on the course. Handling the tricky conditions best was Dylan Barraclough with 77 off the stick for nett 69 and equal best putts of 27 for the round. Runner-up was Matt Waterworth with nett 70, also equal putts. Angelo Maugeri and Richard Reardon also shared the putting honours, both recording 27 putts.

Luke Reardon collected both pin shots and the 5/14 pro-pin. Matt Waterworth held the pro-pin at 1/10 with Brendan Barker holding 9/18.

The run down went to nett 72 with a ball each to Ian Harvey (70), Stephen Kay (71), Geoff Patti (72) and Daryl Boekholt (72).

Linda Kelly won the Ladies’ event with nett 77. Runner-up with nett 81 was Richelle Reardon. She also claimed the ladies’ approach at 17. Kay Webb featured in the run down with nett 82.

The day was sponsored by Len Leigh and there should be special mention of the hardworking Stanthorpe Greenkeeper Bill who, along with his band of helpers, presented the course in good shape after the recent storm weather.

This Saturday it is tee off from 11.30 and for a Single Stableford sponsored by Wes Smith. The time sheet is on the board and fingers crossed it may even be a little drier out on the course