Jackpots all round

Warwick Bowls Club hosted their Jack Pot Bowls day on Wednesday 11 August.

By Casey O'Connor

Warwick Bowls Club hosted their Jack Pot Bowls day on Wednesday 11 August.

The current Jackpot stood at $140.00, and the Lucky Draw of the Cards was sponsored by Domino’s Pizza.

Congratulations to the winner of the Lucky Daw of the Cards, Tom Seaniger and Max Holder.

In the first round the pair had a +18 -18 score against opponents Doug Christensen and Mick O’Leary.

In round two the eventual winners played Denis Sterling, Ray Schnitzerling, the final score +1, -1.

In other round one results Darryl Phillips, Russell Bean defeated James White, Bing Hansen +2, -2.

Denis Sterling and Ray Schnitzerling defeated. Richard Tartan +6, -6.

Ken Hayes and Norm Olsen defeated Aaron Payne, Trevor Wright +4, -4.

While Darryl Phillips and Russell Bean defeated James White, Bing Hansen +2, -2.

In round two Aaron Payne and Trevor Wright defeated Edwin Welsh (Max retired), Tom Seaniger +9, -9. James White and Bing Hansen defeated Ken Hayes, Norm Olsen +4, -4.

Darryl Phillips and Russell Bean defeated Tony Pritchard, Richard Tartan +2, -2.

Two teams shared a win in the Jack Pot. The Lucky score +5.

Aaron Payne and Trevor Wright shared the $140 with Denis Sterling and Ray Schnitzerling.

A reminder that next month due to other commitments, Jack Pot Bowls will be played on 22 September.

The Jackpot will reset to $100.

The Semi Final of Self Selected Fours was played last Saturday.

Tom Seaniger, Darryl Phillips, Denis Sterling and Russell Bean played Tim Gallagher, Phil Wagner, Richard Tartan and Jim Rickard.

Jim Rickard’s team was very quiet in the early stages remaining on two until the 10th end and trailing their opponents who had skipped away to 16.

Over the course of the next 10 ends Russell Bean and his team won four ends and Rickard’s team six.

Congratulations to Tom, Darryl, Denis and Russell who led from the outset and won the semi-final 25-16.

There was also one Social game played between Andrew Meek, Norm Olsen and John Ruhle.

August program:

Wednesday 18 Aug: KFC sponsored bowls.

Saturday 21 Aug: Final of S.S. Fours. Call -up as follows: Pat Seipelt, Bing Hansen, Ray Schnitzerling and John Ruhle to play Tom Seaniger, Darryl Phillips, Denis Sterling and Russell Bean. There will also be Social bowls.

Wednesday 25 Aug: Bing Hansen’s sponsored bowls.

Saturday 28 Aug: Social Bowls. Nominations also close for the Club Selected Pairs.

For all social and sponsored bowls days names must be submitted between midday and 12.30, for play to start at 1pm.

Please call (07) 46611516 or place your name on the Notice Board at the club.