Why on a Thursday

By Casey O'Connor

Why is it so – that is what the members of the Warwick East Bowls club have been asking. Why does it always rain on Thursdays? This past week once again inclement weather interfered with the scheduled bowls. Both monthly pairs and last week’s night bowls cancelled.

There was better news for bowlers on Saturday as the semi-finals of the club-selected fours competition was able to be played. Matt Shepherd, Peter Collis, Dan Hughes and Paul Beaman has a comfortable 26-15 win over Chris Lawler, Peter Ridgewell, Dave Smith, Gordon Assay. Ed Diery, Steve Ford, Norm Hassum and Sid Morris proved to strong scoring a 22-18 win. Next Saturday the winners, Matt Shepherd, Peter Collis, Dan Hughes and Paul Beaman will play Ed Diery, Steve Ford, Norm Hassum and Sid Morris in the final. The final will be played on Saturday, at 1pm. While the semi-finals were underway there also three games of social triples being played.

All eyes will be on the forecast, fingers crossed that today, weather permitting, the club will be able to hold their monthly triples due to get underway at 10am. That of course should be followed by night bowls at 6.30 pm. Submit your name or your team names by phoning the club on 4661 9050 by 6pm. The game will be followed by a sausage sizzle.

There will be the usual mixed social bowls this Saturday. Play starts at 1pm, with names to be in by 12.30. Players will be chasing the usual trophies plus a chance to take out the jackpot on offer.