Warwick Croquet Club holds open day

Warwick Croquet Club had its open day on Saturday.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Warwick Croquet Club held its open day on Saturday between 10am and 2pm.

Warwick Croquet Club president Beth Schottelius said that although several people turned up and she considered the day successful, players had to compete with the Ulysses Motorcycle Club’s grand parade.

“The open day went well, but parking was difficult,” Beth said.

“All the motorbikes were outside in the street so some people had to park far away to get to us.”

The club’s open day was designed so interested locals could experience playing the challenging, traditional grass sport.

Beth said that all equipment was provided and club members were on hand to offer support and advice.

“It was great to see,” she said.

Warwick Croquet Club is located in Leslie Park near the corner of Guy and Albert Streets.