Record cancellations and cabin fever setting in

A rainbow pictured recently over the Warwick golf Course - has brought neither a pot of gold, happy golfers nor fine paying conditions - just more rain and more the cancellations of more competitions

Another dismal week of wet weather preceded the Saturday golf competition in Stanthorpe and again the rain and wet fairways forced the cancellation of any play last weekend.

Long-time members of the golf are having difficulty remembering the last time Saturday competition was completely cancelled, let alone for two weeks in a row.

Unfortunately, Stanthorpe Sporters Sunday competition also suffered the same fate.

Even the resident Roos and Ducks have had enough, and the club’s greenkeeper will soon require therapy if the conditions do not improve shortly.

Golfers across the Southern Downs, much like the district’s bowlers are beginning to suffer cabin fever.

Everyone is hopeful this weather will ease off soon allowing the course to dry out and let competition start again.

Who would have even dreamt that a couple of years ago that sporting organisations or anyone in Stanthorpe would all be in this position a couple of years ago when not a drop could be coaxed from the skies. Mother nature is a tough mistress.