Warwick Bridge Club notes

Contributed by Neil Bonnell

Congratulations to Angus Macdonald, who has achieved the rank of Bronze Local Master.

In bridge parlance “There was blood on the floor” means that there was a case of a player failing badly in a contract and conceding a penalty of 300 or more.

So, last Monday, there was plenty of blood on the floor after Board 15 (above) had been played.

At three of the five tables East played in six clubs doubled which failed by different margins.

The defence can win two Aces and a couple of diamonds.

The penalties conceded were 300, 500 and 800 respectively.

The common lead was a heart, which was won by North’s Ace, but left North with a difficult continuation.

The Ace of spades would simply hand back control of the hand to declarer; a heart would be ruffed in dummy and a diamond discarded from hand.

On a diamond lead South could cover the Jack or play the ten which would force out the Ace.

Declarer could then play four rounds of trumps and force the defenders to find suitable discards.

The most effective opening lead from South was the King of diamonds.

This did force out the Ace, although an interesting play would have been for declarer to call for a low diamond from dummy. South would then have to switch to a spade and depend on partner to return a diamond.

Overall winners, John Nankervis and Noela Collins decided that recklessness was not the better part of valour and passed their opponents’ bid of 5H.

Eleven tricks in hearts are possible, but declarer didn’t find the right line of play and failed by one trick, giving Noela and John a top score on this board.

Even if 5H had succeeded, John and Noela would have scored 60% on this board.

Results: Monday, 04/07/22 (4 & ½-table Howell): N. Collins J. Nankervis ( 63.0) 1; Jenny Smith

Jill Smith (57.8) 2; N. Bonnell T. Hinde (57.4) 3; C. Duggan N. McGinness (56.0) 4. Handicap: Jenny Smith Jill Smith 1; M. Johnston L. Manson 2. Friday, 08/07/22 (5-table Howell) M.

Simpson N. McGinness (66.1) 1; D. Moran J. Nankervis (64.3) 2; C. Duggan M. Johnson (56.9) 3; R. Hart Jenny Smith (54.6) 4.