Warwick Bridge Club…

This week's results.

By Neil Bonnell, Warwick Bridge Club

The leaders at the halfway mark of the Handicap Championship are Ros Hart/Nea McGinness (N/S) and Tony Hinde/Neil Bonnell (E/W). Both pairs did well on Board 8 (above).

Ros and Nea scored an outright top by doubling their East/West opponents who raised the bidding to 4H and failed by one tricks. One other E/W pair reached 4H and also failed but escaped being doubled. Sitting East, after two passes, I opened 1H to give us more bidding space than a pre-emptive 3H would have. South doubled, showing at least an opening hand and not many hearts. Over Tony’s 1S response and North’s pass I bid 2H, which became the final modest contract. North/South duly took their four tricks: Two top diamonds and a ruff, followed by the Ace of clubs. Plus 140 looked like a common score, but overbidding by other East/West pairs turned it into a shared top.

All pairs made the number of tricks predicted by the computer, with one exception. Despite having only half the honour cards in the pack, any East/West pair who bid 3NT would have made nine tricks for 400 points and an absolute top. North/South could still win three diamonds and the Ace of clubs, but would then have to surrender the lead whatever suit was led. Declarer could then cash the Ace and King of spades and run the hearts for the remaining tricks needed.

Results: Monday, 17/0722 (6-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins M. Simpson (65.0) 1; R. Hart N. McGinness (62.3) 2; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (54.3) 3. E/W N. Bonnell T. Hinde (65.3) 1; J. Rose D. Moran (59.0) 2; S. Head L. James (49.8) 3. Handicap Championship: N/S R. Hart N. McGinness 1; N. Collins M. Simpson 2. E/W N. Bonnell T. Hinde 1; S. Head L James Friday, 22/07/22 (5-table Mitchell): N. Collins M. Simpson (57.5) 1; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (54.2) 3. E/W J. Rose D. Moran (64.2) 1; J. Mobbs J. Smith (57.5) 2.