Sports Shorts



Inglewood bowler Trudy Elder beat Goondiwindi’s Jill Hankins in the finals of the Ladies District Singles hosted by Southern Cross Bowls Club on Saturday and Sunday.

The pair played out an exciting final with Elder eventually securing a 25-16 win.

The members of the Southern Cross club extend their condolences to Margaret Wright from Warwick East Club who was unable to take her place in the competition due to a death in the family.

On Sunday afternoon, 30 bowlers returned to the green for an afternoon of Social Mixed Bowls. Member were pleased to see club stalwarts Val Gray and Brian Bourke as well as Lorna Tucker from Tannymorel, back on the green and having a good go.

New Southern Cross members, Geoff Creighton and Matty Shepherd, as well as a couple more prospective members, were also on-board for some good time bowling.

Robyn and Peter Smith Stanthorpe also enjoyed the fun.

The winners were Lorna Tucker, Brian Bourke and Matt Shepherd. Finishing in the placings were runners-up Kev Mooney, Peter Ridgewell and Dave Scotney.

Mega Mooney and Handy Al Thornton were the winners of the Lucky Number raffle

The trophy for this year’s Footy Fun Day Bowls – Sunday 2 October (NRL grand final day) has been carefully crafted and is awesome. This is an event not to be missed.

This Saturday, 3/9 is the Condy Club Challenge Social Bowls. Everyone is welcome simply be at the club by 12.30pm .For more details contact is Clark 0427 673 277.

Follow the club on Facebook or for further information or to book a function, please call Patrick 0409 616 163.


The team from Betta Homes in Warwick sponsored the Sporters’ round last Wednesday at thee Warwick Golf Club.

It seems Betta Homes may have attracted some better weather for the 60 players who teed off in the round. Scores also appear to be warming up along with the weather.

Jet Jensen returned 41 points and just nudged out runner up James Bradshaw (40 points).

Balls in the run down went the way to Greg Wallace (39) Josh Jensen, Tony Kahler and Bruce Howells (37), Don Iemeda (36) and Mark Simmonds (35 c/b).

Collecting balls at the 11th were Bob Lester (3), Ron Simon (2) balls and Mark Peroz one ball. At the 13th Matt Penn led the way collecting three balls. Ian Wallace scored two and Al Matthews the final ball.

Rob Farrell was certainly on song and landed a double taking the NTP at the seventh and 16th.

Matt Penn had success at the ninth and the fifth A Skinner.

I am told that recently two Sporters members, Ross Bell and Trevor Davies recently critiqued the emergency medical services. On different days each scored themselves an Ambulance ride to the Warwick Emergency department at Warwick Hospital. The pair have nothing but praise for the Ambos and the medical and hospital staff and extend their thanks to them.

Pleased to hear that both Ross and Trevor have both come good and of course are back playing golf.

This week’s Sporters’ thought, “If you watch a game, it’s. If you play, it is recreation. If you work at it, it is golf.”


Although conditions were pleasant enough for members of the Southern Downs Rifle club on Sunday morning. However, Shooters at the 600 yard mound on Risdon Range were again challenged by a persistent gusting wind.

As has been the case for some time now the Open Class was a very close contest.

Craig Montgomery and Greg Wilson scored evenly but it was Craig who eventually got the nod. Scoring the win by just one.

In the standard class Geoff Vollmerhause had only himself to beat. The situation was the same for Eddy Woon in the sporter/ hunter class however both enjoyed a good morning on the range.


600 yards F Class

Open (Max 126)

Craig Montgomery (122.11); Greg Wilson (122.10); Richard McKillop (121.6); Dave Taylor (119.7); Bruce McAllan (118.8); Charlie Montgomery (115.3); Margaret Taylor (114.2).

Standard (Max 126)

Geoff Volmerhause (112.2)

Sporter/Hunter (Max 105)

Eddy Woon (94.6)

This week Sporters will welcome the arrival of Spring with a shoot at the 300 yard mound/ Sign on remains at 8.30 am ready for a 9am start.

For further information regarding Sunday’s upcoming shoot or the club in general please contact Margaret on (07 4666 1018) who will be happy to help.


Stanthorpe Sporters were scheduled to have a day off on Sunday however due to the cancellation of the Hello Yellow day, bit the situation changed. After a quick ring around organisers managed to arrange an impromptu nine hole Sporters competition. The front nine was in play and as it happened quite a good field arrived ready to play.

Margie Locke has been hovering between run-down and runner up in recent weeks, but she went one better last Sunday. After retuning a score of nett 27 she finally found the winner’s circle. I hear Terry Roser had a tough day on Saturday – something about an alleged incident with a golf cart and a second place – must have all worked to sharpen his golf game on Sunday. Nett 30 good enough for the runner’s up prize.

After several cuts of the cards, it was Aaron Simmers who claimed the run down prize ahead of Dick Hilton. Both players, returned nett 31.

The only pin shot in play was at the third hole. Paul Armstrong hit an excellent tee shot to land close to the pin and claim the ball on offer. He was unlucky not to convert the hole into a birdie score. David Burgess returned the Best gross score on Sunday. He needed 40 strokes to complete the nine holes.

Sporters will be back on track this week. Play on Sunday will be on the back nine and commences at 8am. Everyone is invited to join Sporters for a hit.


The last Saturday of the month heralds another round of the end of month medley Stableford and Saturday’s round was sponsored by Jamworks Gourmet Foods. The Stanthorpe course continues to dry out and fortunately it makes playing conditions more favourable for everyone.

At the end of play two teams, Mark Hendry and Rino Piovesan and Lyle Bryant and Angelo Maugeri returned the winning score of 43 points. A countback was used to determine the winners. Mark Hendry and Rino Piovesan had the better score on the back nine and it was enough to give them the win. Bryant and Maugeri forced to settle for the first spot in the run down.

Club captain Keith Jones had a little bit of misfortune. After pairing up with Nathan Reardon, who was visiting, the pair managed to reach 46 points. Unfortunately, Nathan’s handicap was found to be not applicable, and the team therefore was not eligible to feature in the top prizes.

Nathan’s brother Luke was also home for the day and partnered his father Richard for the round. He showed he has forgotten very little about his original home course and picked up the pin shots at the 12th and 17th and the pro-pins at 1/10 and 9/18.

Lyle Bryant held the pin shot at the third Lyle Bryant and Brad Silver claimed the remaining pro-pin at 5/14.

There were just two pin shots on offer for the ladies and Lyn Ludlow snavelled them both.

In the run down, there were prize for Ivan Juriss, Helen Jones, Len Leigh and Max Hunter. Thanks to the Jamworks girls for their generous sponsorship of the day.

Good news for all players. After several postponements due to unfavourable weather conditions the club singles championships begin on Saturday with the first of the four rounds of stroke play. After play on Saturday the championships will continue the following Saturday and Sunday. The final day of play the following Saturday. Rounds one and two are by the time sheet. Players will be seeded for the final two rounds. There are three grades in the men’s event.

Just to make things just a little more complex, round one next Saturday will also double as the September monthly medal and putting competition. The sponsor for Saturday’s round – Four Water Supplies. A time sheet for the day has been posted on the Notice Board at the club.


The Canadian Foursomes format always creates interest when played by the ladies of the Warwick Golf club and last Saturday as no exception with 15 groups making their way onto the course.

The winners were Wendy Rhea and Anne Lyons followed closely by Narelle Norris and Judy Lester. All received vouchers from the club’s wonderful supporters the Warwick Coffee Club

The Pro Pin was won by Sam Hinze and Trish Roberts who was in the n the 13th. Narelle and Judy also had close second shots with Maria Carey and Kath Morrison completing the honours.

In the absence of NTPs as planned, each of the last two groups received a ball – Kath Morrison Gill Young , Lois Wilson and Jan Aspinall.


The ladies Division one midweek medal with a score of nett 68 was Jill Barnes. The runner up with 70 nett was Mary Young who also won the putting competition requiring only 28 putts for her round.

In Division Two the winner with 72 nett was Di Evans. The runner up just one back on 73 nett was Maria Carey. Tub Ingall won the putts. She need only 25 putts for the day. Lois Wilson continued her good run winning the front nine with an impressive two under par.

The Approaches were won by Narelle Norris, Majella Kahler and Carole Brandon.

The Pro Pin at the ninth was shared by Mary Young, Majella Kahler and Jill Barnes. The monthly medal event is kindly sponsored each month by the Warwick RSL.