Sport shorts

Kath Devereux (file photo) blitzed the field in Saturday's Par v SS competition at the Warwick Golf Club


Excellent fields have been a mark of the Ladies golf competition in Warwick since the start of the New year. Last week a field of 30 ladies teed off in the first RSL sponsored midweek medal event. Since the start of the New Year numbers in the Ladies’ competitions have been excellent

A countback was needed to find the Division One winner when Anna Cox and Narelle Norris each returned Norris settling for runner up.

The winner of Division two was more clear cut with Carole Brandon returning 78 nett. Tub Ingall (nett 74) the runner up.

Balls in the run down went to Majella Kahler (73), Melanie McLennan (75), Liz Cockram (76), Gwen Mills and Jill Barnes (77) and Anne Lyons (78).

Lyn Lane had the best front nine. Majella Kahler won the division one putting competition on a count back from Anna Cox – both ladies required 28 putts for the round. Wendy Rhea (31 putts) won the division two putting.

The graded pins were as follows:- Narelle Norris and Helen Olsen won the front pins and Marg Adcock and Roslyn Darton took out the back pins. Norris also won the Pro Pin, followed by Marg Adcock, Ros Darton and Melanie McLennan.

Other scores were, Kath Devereux and Wendy Rhea (78), Mary Young, Jacqui Croft, and Marg Adcock (79), Janine Stewart and Judy Lester (80), Roslyn Darton, Di Evans and Maria Carey (81), Lyn McKillop (82), Trish Bell (83), Di Johnston and Helen Olsen (85), Vicki Bennett (87) and Yvonne Pinington (90).

Lois Wilson, Jan Aspinall and Carolyn Abood played in the Nine hole event.


Kath Devereux blitzed the field of 26 in the Par v SS competition last Saturday finishing her round with plus three.

Anna Cox was her closest rival and finished square to take out the runner-up trophy on a count back from Majella Kahler.

Majella won a ball along with Jacqui Croft, Judy Lester and Jill Barnes (minus one), Joely Singleton and Janine Stewart (minus two).

Marg Adcock won the Pro Pin along with Kath Devereux, Jill Barnes and Mary Young.

Liz Cockram, Marg Adcock and club visitor Lyndelle Kemp (minus three), Yvonne Pinington, Mary, Helen Olsen, Trish Bell and Janet Davis (minus four), Danielle Seibel (minus five), Anne Lyons and Melanie McLennan (minus six), Lyn McKillop, Vicki Bennett and Tub Ingall (minus seven), Narelle Norris, Carole Brandon (minus eight), Molly Scotney (minus nine) and Roslyn Darton (minus10).

Thanks to the players who have already paid up for the yearly competitions. It looks as though the 2023 Shootout will be hotly contested.

It is not too late to enter if you are interested. Simply fill out the entry form which is still available in the Ladies’ room and put it and the relevant fee in to the locked wooden box.

This Saturday, the ladies play a Single Stableford sponsored by Warwick Cleaning and Catering.


Following rain on Thursday night the green keepers at the Southern Cross Bowls club, Wayne Foster and Matty Shepherd had the green in tip top form for Friday night bowls and it was pleasure to play on it. Fortunately for the four teams playing the predicted storms did not eventuate.

The wining team of Pat Gainey, Daryl Busch and Geoff Davis had the “the closest winning margin.”

There was much excitement when number 42 dropped out of the cage in the Member’s draw. Lucky Irishman Val Gray was present and won the $120 jackpot and generously shouted the bar.

A reminder that nominations are now open for the club’s A and B Grade Men’s Singles.

The B grade will be played 4th/5th February, and the A grade the 18th/19th February.

Toady (Thursday 26) Australia Day Social Bowls begin at 1pm.

Come dressed in your best Aussie clobber and have some fun – you could be in the running to win the prize for the Best Dressed Aussie.

This Saturday 28 January the Men’s District Fours competition will be played at the Cross and Warwick East Clubs.

On Sunday 29 January Social Mixed Bowls has been scheduled. Games start at 1pm. and everyone welcome. Simply be at the club by 12.30pm.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

For further details the secretary’s email address is If you wish to book a function, call Patrick 0409 616 163. You can follow all of the club activities on their Facebook page.


Numbers for the regular Sunday Sporters event in Stanthorpe are growing and a good field played the front nine in last week’s nine hole competition.

The best score of the day was nett 22 and finding the winner came down to a ‘cut of the cards’ between El President, Ray Thorne and Angelo Maugeri. Thorny did best and slipped seamlessly into first place and Maugeri relegated to runner up.

Terry Byrnes looks to be returning to form. His nett 24 was good enough for first run down. Next run down went to Aaron Simmers who managed a scrappy nett 27.

The ever consistent Pau Armstrong once again had the Best low round of the day. Armstrong needing 39 hits for the round, the only player to be less than 40 for the round.

There was only one pin shot on offer and Chris Fittock took care of that with the best pin shot at the third hole to collect the ball on offer. There was apparently a good birdie chance on offer but I understand it just missed.

A look through the cards for the highest score on any one hole, was a 10 at the fourth hole recorded by one player, no name to be stated, but a tradesman living pretty much adjacent to the course enjoyed a packet of chips for his effort.

This Sunday, players will be on the back nine so there will be the chance for double the number of pin shots. Play gets under way at 8.00 and there is an open invitation for all to come and play.


On Saturday Stanthorpe golfers played a Stableford event sponsored by former member, Jason Lawer. Jason played the event and although we hear he enjoyed his day on the course his scores may indicate that he was a but rusty however reports confirm his swing technique is a good as ever.

Scores on Saturday were either quite good or quite mediocre. Glen Brunckhorst returned one of the better scores breaking through for his first win since joining the Club. A score of 40 points for the round. It was a scored shared by Ivan Juriss however following the countback he finished in second place. Bad luck for Ivan but there is always next week to go one better.

The Ladies event was another close affair. Christine Hood continued her good recent form to claim the win after she returned 37 points for the round. Hood was one point in advance of the chasers. Two players finished on 36 points with the count back favouring Linda Kelly over Lisa Stuart.

Men’s pin shots went to Mark McCosker at three, Keith Barnett at 12 and Glen Brunckhorst at 17.

Margie Locke collected the ladies pin at 12 and Lisa Stuart at 17.

The men’s runner up, Ivan Juriss, played an excellent second shot to win the pro-pin at 1/10, Dave Lang (a new members) had best approach at 5/14 and Matt Burgess collected for his approach at 9/18.

The birdies nest at hole 15 was shared by Matt Waterworth and Dave Burgess with both players signing for three at the hole.

A lengthy run down for scores of 37 and better for the men with Brad Silver, Kev Rowling, Mark McCosker, Keith Jones, Barry Hughes and Keith Barnett all collecting a ball. For the ladies, Lisa Stuart and Lorraine Evans featured in the run down.

This Saturday, 28 January is listed as the end of month Medley Stableford and the David Townsend Memorial Golf Day. As per the programme book, play will commence with a shot gun start at 12 noon. Players are asked to be registered by 11.36 am to give the starter ample time to determine starting tee positions. A time sheet for the event has been posted on the board at the club.


Five groups teed off at the Warwick Golf Club on Sunday morning for the Langham Slashers social Golf Competition. It was a 6.30 start for the field which included several newcomers and a visitor from Ballina.

The round winner with a score of 19 nett was Gordon Baker who claimed the prize of a Golf Shirt. Baker also returned the best Gross (39).

Melinda Borham’s Nett 23 was good enough to score her the runner’s up slot. Organisers are delighted to see the ladies playing Slashers.

Mark Simmonds had the longest drive on the third fairway.

A countback was necessary to determine the winner of the least number of putts after Gerry Morrisey, Gordon Barker and Doug McBeth all need just 12 putts for the round. After a countback Gerry Morrisey got the prize.

Nearest the Pin on the seventh was Greg McMahon. The fifth and ninth went unclaimed.

The winner of the prestigious “Ollie Ball” for the most putts was a close contest but it was Peter Balfour who got the prize but first had to withstand a countback with six others. All six needed 19 putts for the round.

This Sunday the Slashers will be on the back nine. If you are up and about early, you can join the fun with tee off at 6.30am.

If you are interested in joining the Langham Slashers for an enjoyable morning of Social golf and would like more information please do not hesitate to call 0408 949 979 or simply “front up” on Sunday morning ready for an enjoyable morning.


The Stanthorpe Ladies played the midweek Monthly medal competition last week. Helen Jones made a surprising come return following knee surgery. It took her no time to find her way back into the winner’s circle. She scored a very impressive 64 nett to win the Monthly Medal.

Not done with, Helen also won the putting competition. Following closely was Fiona Kelly who also played excellent golf to finish runner up with 69 nett.

Lisa Stuart was the gross winner of the day with an outstanding 96 gross. Lisa also cleaned up the pin shots on the 12th and the 17th. Lynette Ludlow won the pin shot on 5/14.


Despite the threat of much needed rain Warwick Sporters enjoyed good conditions 72 golfers played the Birdie Bar and Bistro sponsored game last week (18/1).

Sean Haynes and Feathers McCosker both finished on 40 points and despite being the sponsor, Feathers was beaten with Sean taking the win after the countback.

The run down went the way of Cec Watts (39), Tim Plemming and Craig Burgess (37), Danny Lyons, Pete Farrell Garry Adcock, Mark Thomas, Ross Bell and Leigh Nisbet all on 36.

Rounding proceedings out on 35 points were Eddie Kemp, John Porter and Phil Economidis.

The Pro Pin 13th winners were Cec Watts who collected $30, Clive Pulley ($25) and Daffy Hynes ($20).

Nearest the pins at the fifth was John Brandon. Wayne Watt did best at the seventh. Craig Burgess was on song at the ninth the11th A Skinner and Jason Owens collected at the 16th.

Finally, the Sporters truism this week, “The less skilled your playing partner, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing”.


The Warwick Golf Club will celebrate Australia Day today with a Two ball Ambrose competition. Ne’s and Mixed teams and social players are welcome to join the fun.

There are two shot gun starts. The first for the early birds, 7am and the second midday.

If you are planning to play, please call the Pro shop (07 46 615 905 or use the One Golf app.

Birdie, Bar and Bistro are also having an Australia Day Theme menu. There will be Football, Meat Pies. Kangaroos and Holden Cars. Well perhaps not the Holden cars but you get the gist. If numbers allow the halfway house will also be open.