Sports shorts

Yvonne Pinnington received a voucher from sponsors Steven and Julie Lamb of Cleaning and Catering Supplies after finishing runner up in Saturday's Single Stableford Ladies competition at the Warwick Golf Club.


With the Australia Day competition looming large, the field for Warwick Sporters was down a little however there were still 61 golfers who teed off in this past week’s round sponsored by the Warwick Hotel.

The winner, Shaun Campbell (38 points), held off a spirited challenge from four other players who finished the hot on his heels with 37 points.

After a meticulous countback Duke Maloney aka “The Door Monitor” claimed the spoils as runner up and in doing so relegated Wayne Wells, Peter Balfour and Cec Watts to a ball each in the run down.

Greg Wallace (36), Laurie King, Tim Plemming and Danny Lyons (35 points) and were Mark Paroz, Ron Cruice and Stuey Wade (34 Points) also featured in the run down.

The Pro Pin (13th) winners were Evan Pfeffer ($25), Shaun Campbell ($20) and Stuey Wade ($15).

Collecting for NTP was Trevor Davies (7th); Jet Jensen (9th); Mark Paroz (11th); Eddie “Big Cods” Kemp (16th) and the fifth was A Skinner.

A reminder to all Sporters that the Sporters AGM is scheduled for Wednesday 22 February. In addition to the usual AGM business there will also be some important notions tabled. Members are asked to put the date in their diaries and come along and have their say.

Finally, American novelist John Updike best summed up all things golf with this thought. “The golf swing is like a suitcase in which we are trying to pack one too many things”.


The great field of Warwick ladies played Single Stableford on Wednesday (25/1). Joining the local ladies were Siobhan from Pacific Golf Club, and Lyndelle from Gainsborough Greens.

Judy Lester (36 points) continued her winning form to take line honours. Runner up Majella Kahler carded 33 points. The rundown went to Carole Brandon (32 C/B), Janine Stewart (32), Anna Cox (31 C/B), and Melanie McLennan (31). Well played Ladies.

The remaining scores were as follows, Anne Lyons (30), Di Johnston (29), Roslyn Darton, Dianne Evans, Lyn McKillop, and Maria Carey (27), Jill Barnes (25), Helen Olsen and Siobhan Hamilton (20), Lyndelle Kemp (19).

The Pro Pin on the seventh was shared by Majella Kahler, Anne Lyons, and Judy Lester. Lynne Lane had the best front nine,17 points.

The round was sponsored by two of the club’s great supporters, The Pro Shop, and Red Rooster.

Last Saturday the winners came from one of the first groups out and the last group in. Congratulations to Gwen Mills took the honours in the Single Stableford competition Singe Stableford off the red markers. Gwen sealed the win with a solid round of 36 points.

Runner up Yvonne Pinington returned the next best card, 34 points. The rundown went to Annice Payne, Samantha Hinze and Judy Lester 32, Helen Olsen, Narelle Norris and Margaret Adcock (30).

Playing the nine hole course Lynne Lane returned 17 and Lois Wilson 16.

The pro pin on the 11th and after their great shots the spoils were shared by Molly Scotney, Annice Payne, Helen Olsen and Gwen Mills.

Lynn Lane again had the best front nine with a score of 17 points.

This round was kindly sponsored by great supporters Steven and Julie Lamb of Cleaning and Catering Supplies.

On Wednesday the Ladies played a Single Stroke event sponsored by long-time supporter of Women’s Golf, Danny Lyons Sports Store. Look for results in next week’s paper.

This Saturday the ladies will be playing the February Monthly Medal sponsored by Birdie Bistro and Bar.

As January wraps up players should note that unless your 2023 fees are paid, you will no longer eligible to play in competitions. The cut off was 31 January.

Ladies who wish to participate into the club’s yearlong competitions (Shootout, gobbles, eclectics etc) are asked to pay their nomination fees as soon as possible. Only scores recorded after you have paid your nominations fees will count towards these competitions.

Envelopes are available in the Ladies room for your nominations fees which should be placed in the locked box prior to play if paid on a competition day.


Another good field hit the Stanthorpe Golf Course early Sunday morning for Stanthorpe Sporters nine hole competition. The back nine was in play and with it the opportunity for the two pin shots on offer.

Sporters stalwart Aaron Simmers put one of his better rounds together and returned Sunday’s winning score of Nett 20. His winning score was helped by a few par holes on his card. Runner up Angelo Maugeri finished just a stroke back on 21 and was a little unlucky when a couple of putts looked that looked headed for the hole came up short. There were two run downs on the day. John Rawlings (nett 26) and Terry Byrnes (nett 27) took the prizes.

Brendan Barker played in the competition, getting a bit of practice for a Firies event in the near future. His 38 off the stick was the best gross score of the day showing he really doesn’t need a lot of practice.

The two pin shots on offer were won, Paul Armstrong who was close in 12 and Nigel Eldridge at 17. Armstrong managed to two putt at the 12th for a par on the hole and Nigel managed went one better at 17 putting for a birdie.

This Sunday play will be on the front nine with tee off at 8am.

Once again there is an open invitation for everyone to come and join the early morning event.


As January drew to a close Stanthorpe golfers played their final event of the month on Saturday, a medley 4 BBB Stableford. Sixty players played the event vying for the David Townsend Memorial trophy, and we saw some excellent score. Best on the day came from the winners Mei Bell and Eric Ree (46 points). Both players complemented each other’s game, and with their consistent play scored 23 points on each of the both the front and back nine.

A special thank you to, Max Hunter who sponsored the day and supplied the trophies on Saturday.

A count back was required to determine the runner up, with three teams returning 45 points. In a very close affair visitor Howard Batty (visitor)and Tod Beckett got the nod. The other two teams Rod Werner and Darryl Boekholt (45 Brendan McMillan and John Green (45) settled for the run down. Also featuring in the run down were Max Smith and Cal Smith (44).

The Men’s pin shots were claimed by Brendan McMillan (3), Todd Sutherland (12) and Eric McLellan (17).

In the Ladies pin shots honours went to Christine Hood at three, Lorraine Evans (12), and Margie Locke (17).

The Pro-pins were claimed by Hamish Adam (1/10), Mick O’Brien (5/14) and Brad Silver (9/18). The birdies nest at 16 was unclaimed.

Saturday is the first comepitition in February and players will be competing for the February monthly medal and putting competition. Wes Smith Building Pty Ltd. Are sponsoring the medal competition.

Tee off from 11.30 am for the afternoon session and there is time sheet is on the board at the club.

Members are reminded that the 2023 Golfer of the year comepitition has commenced. Points are earned by playing in competitions and the better your score, the better the points. This is a yearlong event with the winners announced in November.


Members and visitors to the Southern Cross Bowls Club celebrated Australia Day in stye on Thursday with an afternoon of Social Bowls and a lot more.

Most players added to the atmosphere and dressed up in their best Aussie gear.

Any of the leads who scored a toucher received a Scratchie. The ‘Walking Flag,’ aka Barry Frame, was in charge of distributing the booty.

It was a warm start to the day and cooled off during the afternoon.

After the game came the piece de resistance. Peter Klowss and Clark Davidson had cooked roast lamb.

There were winners to be decided and the winner’s card was drawn out of a beer carton. Congratulations to the lucky winners, team Daryl Bush – Mandy, Daniel, Ringer and Ned and Daryl, who were all fabulously dressed for the occasion. Congratulations team Daryl Busch.

The membership draw was not won and jackpots to $20 for the next social game.

Special thanks to the cooks, carvers and bottle washers and other helpers who made the Australia Day festivities so successful. The club hosted the early rounds of the District Men’s Fours on Saturday with the finals played at Warwick East on Sunday)

This Friday the club is hosting evening bowls which begin at 6pm. Be at the club by 5.30 if you would like to be play or call the clubhouse (4661 1876). Everyone is welcome to join the group.

On Saturday, the club Men’s B Grade Singles begin at 10am. The Singles continue on Sunday morning at 10am.

Clark said “last call” for A Grade Men’s Singles. So, if you haven’t already nominated, you’d best be quick.

Wednesday 8 February – Turkey Triples sponsored by The Condamine Sports Club begin at 10am. Contact Games Director Clark 0427 673 277.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

The secretary can be contacted by email If you wish to book a function, please call Patrick 0409 616 163. You can follow the club on their Facebook page.


Conditions on the Warwick Golf Course were hot and sticky last Saturday but did not deter the large field that teed off in the men’s Single Stableford.

After a hot round Josh Manwaring broke through into the winner’s circle with a winning score of 42 pts. Hot on his heels was Jet Jensen (41 pts). Filling third position was Slim Eldridge. 38 points his best score in sometime.

Featuring in the run down were Evan Pfeffer (37); Clayton Frank and Alan Bignell visiting from the Pacific Golf club (36); Dan Hynes, Jay Roberts and Bob Lester (35).

Collecting for the Pro Pin at 13 were Josh Manwaring ($25); Jessie Ollerton ($20) and Ted King ($15).

Nearest the Pin were Peter Want (5th); Kris McLennan (7th); Travis Payne (9th); Clayton Frank (16th) and Malcolm Galloway (11th).


The Clifton Benchrest Shooting Club begin their shooting year this Sunday 5 February with rifle practice, and we look forward to the continued company of shotgun, pistol and rifle shooters. More information, the club’s full calendar of events and membership details can be accessed by visiting the club’s website

The club’s first rifle competition will be held on 19 February.The Laurie Bowe Prize Shoot will be held in conjunction with the normal monthly shoot. A barbecue lunch will be provided and there will be several trophies up for grabs. The club extends and invitation to interested shooters and friends to join them in honouring this long-standing stalwart of the Club and his beautiful wife, Daph.

Weapons Licensing have granted an extension of the Club’s Range Approval for another five years to 2027. This new gives the Club certainty of tenure along with the 10-year lease extension (to 2032) granted by Toowoomba Regional Council.

The club is to receive a free shade marquee from Cancer Council Qld after a successful grant application last year. The extra shade will benefit everyone including students participating in events like the Inter-School shoot.

The club’s annual Christmas break up in December was attended by more than 40 people.

The winners of the 2022 awards were announced and received their trophies.

Gary Manteit was named Men’s Shooter of the Year. Keeping these things in the family, Helen Manteit received the award for the Ladies Shooter of the Year.

The Pistol Shooter of the Year was Vince Alberry. Darren Lucas was announced as the Shotgun Shooter of the Year.

Amelia Steffen was the Junior Shooter of the Year.

Other winners were: –

Men’s Open Rimfire – 1st Gary Manteit; 2nd Luke Steffen; 3rd Jason Edwards.

Ladies Open Rimfire – 1st Helen Manteit; 2nd Ashleigh Brown; 3rd Margaret Sullivan.

Junior Rimfire – 1st Amelia Steffen; 2nd Mia Edwards; 3rd Cooper Steffen.

Centrefire – 1st Gary Manteit; 2nd Helen Manteit; 3rd Luke Steffen.

Centrefire Smallest Group – Helen Manteit (.139).

Senior Shotgun – 1st Darren Lucas; 2nd Mat Heslin; 3rd John Meddleton

Junior Shotgun – 1st Cooper Sense

Pistol – 1st Vince Alberry; 2nd Tony Puhakka; 3rd Daymon Mason.

Following the presentations several members announced their intentions to take comepitition in 2023 more seriously and give the 2022 winners a run for their money.

It will be interesting to see how the new season unfolds.