Sports shorts

Friday night bowls at the Cross proved a winner for the team of Dave Scotney and Karen Lowe.


Bowlers filled the eight rinks at the Warwick East Bowls Club on Thursday for the club’s monthly triples comepitition. Conditions were extremely hot but did not deter the winners Kim Hankinson, Barry Ziebell and Pat Geaney, or the Johnno Johnson, Geoff Davis and Darryl Busch the runner’s up.

The first round of the A Grade singles competition was played with three games decided.

In the opening game The results were Johnno Johnson played Steve Ford and scored a comprehensive 21-4 win to progress to the next round.;

Ed Diery had a 21-19 win over his opponent David Weir. In a second game Ed Diery continued his winning form and defeated Peter Collis 21-16.

Tow games of evening bowls were played on Saturday with bowlers appreciating the cooler conditions. The overall winner was Ralph Tate. Ed Diery was unable to continue his winning form and finished runner-up.

The A Grade singles competition continues on Saturday. Those playing are reminded of the 22 noon starting time.

There will also be evening bowls played this Saturday night. To secure your place please call the club (07 4661 9050) by 5.30pm to nominate. Play begins at 6pm with two games played. A sausage sizzle will be held between games. Non-bowlers who would like to try the game are very welcome to come and give bowls a try.


Night Bowls are proving popular across the district as temperatures soar. On Friday night there were plenty of players on the green at the Southern Cross Bowls Club and while it was cooler than during the afternoon conditions were very humid.

Roy, Karen, Daniel and Leon put on a great show together with the usual suspects.

The winning team turned out to be the loser with the lowest score. Congratulations Dave Scotney and Karen Lowe.

Peter Kloss went home with a smile on his face after winning the cash in the Lucky Numbers raffle.

The member’s draw was not won jackpots to $40 this week.

Play in the club’s B Grade Singles began on Saturday and Sunday and the good bowls played were appreciated by a crowd of onlookers.

The A Grade Singles begin on Saturday with the opening games at 9am.

Social Bowls will again be played under lights on Saturday evening. Games begin at 6pm. Be at the club by 5.30pm if you wish to play or call (4661 1876) the clubhouse between 5pm and 5.30pm to book in. Everyone is welcome.

On Friday (10/2), Club members are invited to Pizza at The Sovereign Hotel at 4pm. I heard a rumour Clark said he would be shouting; when it’s time to leave.

Here’s an important Date Claimer :-

To be sure; to be sure – St Patrick’s Day Friday 17 March Night Bowls 6pm. Everyone welcome. Come dressed in you green or orange or orange and green and you could win the one of the prizes for Best Dressed Prize sponsored by the club’s resident Irishman, Val Gray.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick. For further information please contact the secretary by email at To book a function, call Patrick 0409 616 163. You can follow all the club’s activities on their Facebook.


The green at the Clifton Bowls club is currently out of action and undergoing renovations. Renovations should be completed next week, and the greens are scheduled to reopen on Thursday 16th February.

Nominations for the A Grade and B Grade Singles are now being accepted and close on 25th February. A Nomination Fee of $3.00 applies.

The B Grade games will be played initially on Saturday 11 March with the A Grade beginning on Saturday 22 April and Sunday 23 April.

The Play or Forfeit rule will generally apply – however exceptions will be at the discretion of the Games Director’s in exceptional circumstances.

Membership fees were due as of 1 January. Unfinancial members are not eligible to play in Club or District Competitions until dues are paid.

There will be a committee meeting next Monday evening (13/2) at 7pm

The club’s Annual General meeting is scheduled for 11am, Sunday 5 March. The meeting will be followed by lunch and an afternoon of bowls sponsored by Daley Rural. It is a casual dress day and everyone is welcome to join the fun.

Although the green is closed the bar will be operating from 5pm on Friday and meals will be available form 6pm. Booking can be made by calling Julie (0402 029 263). Karaoke begins at 7.30pm.

The member’s jackpot was unclaimed last week and stands at $30 this Friday but you must be present to win.

The Clifton Clubhouse is available for private functions. Contact Necia on 0438 973 707 for further information.


Members of the Warwick bowls club were on the green last Wednesday morning (1/2) and several games of social pairs were played.

Pamela Kerr and Phil Wagner scored a one shot win over Gerda Brack and Brian Black. The score 19-18,

Ken Hayes and Max Holder had a big 32-9 win over Michael Dungey and Craig Thurgate.

Arron Payne, Max Balfour and Edwin Welsh also had a very comfortable win over Barry Perks, John Ruhle and Jim Rickard. Final score 24-9.

The overall winners of the Club sponsored day were Ken and Max.

There were also Social Bowls played on Saturday afternoon. Pamela Kerr and Max Holder scored a narrow 17-16 win over Peter Guy and Edwin Welsh while Max Balfour and Ray Southee defeated. John Ruhle and Garry Cooper 22-13.

The results of the Monthly Triples played on Wednesday this week will be available in the next edition.

Looking ahead: –

Sat 11th Feb – Social bowls.

Sun12th Feb the Warwick Bowls Club Open Fours Carnival. The Club sincerely thank the Sponsors – L J Hooker Real Estate, Warwick Hotel and the Warwick Credit Union for their Sponsorship.

(Morning Tea – 8.30, Play begins 9am)

Wed 15 Feb – Jack Pot – Pairs Bowls – $50.

Sat 16 Feb Social.

Bowlers please note that names should be submitted between 8am and 8.30am on Wednesday morning for play at 9am.

For Saturday afternoon bowls please submit names between 12 midday and 12.30pm. Games commence at 1pm.

Names may also be placed on the outside noticeboard.

Help is urgently sought from all members for the outside Working Bee held every Monday morning at 9am. Please give this request your urgent attention.

Remember the more help the less time it will take.


Due to the Stanthorpe Show there were no Bowls played last Saturday however there were midweek games.

Dot Rankin and Mick Mills scored a 24-19 win over Polly Lay and Jack Bell in their championship pairs game. On an adjacent rink Noela Trollip, Helen Jones and Brian Brown proved too good for the team of Draper, Robyn Smith and Peter Smith defeating them 22-7.

The long awaited Club Champion final between 2022 Ladies Champion Wendy Hurnall and 2022 A Men’s Winner Len Girgenti was a sea sawing tough game which resulted in a narrow win to Len. After trailing by five shots with the score 15-20, Girgenti held his composure and win to win the game by 25 – 23. The was in the balance right up until the last bowl was delivered. It was a game played in great spirit and both players wish to thank Frank Gallo for marking the game.

The “Twilight Bowls” and “Live Music” experiment last Thursday was very successful. A big thank you to the 36 Bowlers who took to the green and to the rest of the crowd who came along to enjoy a drink and listen to some great live music supplied by Dave Stuart and Todd Sutherland.

Thanks to the team of volunteers who ran the “Sausage Sizzle” and to everyone else who helped in any way to make the night the best “Twilight Bowls” ever.

Six games of Triples were played during the evening with the following results as follows.

Santo Cavallaro’s team scored a one point win over Bruno Stefanon’s team (12-11)12 shots to 11.

Brian Brown and his crew defeated Jack Bells team 12-11.

Ray Weaver’s team proved too strong for Len Girgenti’s group and scored a 13-7 win.

David Drapers and his team had a big win over Roly Scopelliti’s team winning 14-5. Keith Barnett’s team suffered a one point loss to Luisa Girgenti’s team going down 9 shots to 10. In the final game Polly Lay’s team defeated Rocky Thompson’s team 13 – 8

Anyone considering playing bowls and wanting information on becoming regarding social or full member of the club please contact Games Directors Peter Smith on 0407 660 881 or Len Girgenti on 0477 500 402.

Our on green Sponsor for this week is the team at Repco Stanthorpe.

Our club would like to thank them for their valued and ongoing support.

We would also like to acknowledge our three Major Sponsors the Stanthorpe RSL Services Club, Stanthorpe Bendigo Community Bank and the Stanthorpe Golf Club for their support over a long period.


What’s on at the Summit Bowls club for the remainder of February?

Saturday 11 February Executive meeting 10am note time change!

Defibrillator training from 11am. All members and others are encouraged to attend. Noon to 1pm snacks provided (after training).

Social Bowls from 1pm.

Celebrating the Club building’s 50 birthday. Sausage sizzle and memories, photos on big screen from 3pm.

Saturday 18 February Social Bowls from 1pm.

Sunday 19 February The Summit Open Triples Carnival. Start 9am. Prize money $1300. sponsored by Stanthorpe RSL with thanks.

Tuesday 21 February Turkey Triples 11am Sponsored by Covert Security with thanks.

Friday 24 February Bar open from 4pm free nibbles. (All our resources will now be focused on opening on Sundays from 26/2)

Saturday 25 Feb Social bowls from 1pm.

Sunday 26 Feb Great Breakfast from 9am. Come and try day. Rewards and raffles. Open every Sunday from 26/2.


The Stanthorpe Mallet players ignored the extreme heat last week to play several games

Association Croquet was played in Stanthorpe on 31/1.Pauline Smith and Joy Newman played Heather Widderick and Sharyn Roser.

Both teams had a slow start with Roser scoring three peels, Smith two and Newman one peel during the game.

Roser and Widderick eventually took a healthy lead of three hoops following Roser’s three peels on consecutive hoops which was assisted by the setup of balls by her partner. Smith and Newman were unable to reel in the lead. The final score 26 to 19.

In torrid conditions a small group played Golf Croquet on 1st February.

In the opening game Bev Sullivan, Jennifer Gleadhill and Pauline Inglis played Liz Ellway, Kim Steele and Shirley Page. It was a close game which went the way of Ellway Steele and Page with a score of 11 – 10.

Ellway and Gleadhill played Steele and Sullivan in the following game with Steele and Sullivan cruising to a 9-4 win.

There were no Gateball games due to the Stanthorpe Show


The final of the Mitchell shield Representative cricket comepitition will be played this Sunday between Stanthorpe and Gatton. The Match to be played in Gatton on the turf at Cahill Park Sports Complex.

For the Stanthorpe team a bus will depart the CF White Oval at 6.15am. Play begins at 9.30am and will be streamed live via You Tube or the MyCricket app.

The Stanthorpe Team which will be captained by Lachlan Pill is:- Sam Dowie; Jordan Lanza; Jamie Carnell; Charlie Moncada; Aiden Halford; Liam Lanza; Andrew Einam; Callum Blake; Brendan Barker; Damian Anderson and Kalo Sherm.