Sports Shorts

Sally Gray presents Rusty the Leprechaun with his prize for the Best dressed male at the Southern Cross Bowls Club on Friday night.


Conditions at the Clifton Bowling Club were perfect for night bowls on Thursday and 21 bowlers enjoyed an evening on the green in the company of a few beetles.

The winners on Thursday night were Steven, Hazel and Andy. The runners-up – Tilly, Travis and Ben. Last Saturday the Club B Grade Singles Championships were decided.

In the first semi-final game Danny Hughes had a comfortable win over Peter Mole. The final score 18 – 4. The second semi-final was a closer game but honours in the end went to Ryan Daley who scored a three shot win over Glynn Knights. The score 18 – 13.

In the final Danny Hughes scored a decisive 21 – 14 win over Ryan Daley to take the title.

There was also a game of social bowls played on Saturday. Glynn Knights and Michael Kindelan combined to defeat Neil Postle and Annette Larkin 14 – 11.

On Wednesday, the club hosted the Mid-Week Fours comepitition sponsored by Ian Weier, Geoff Green, Neil Postle and Glynn Knights. Look for details of those results in next week paper.

Night Bowls continue tonight (12/3) at 6.30pm.While night bowls are definitely on this week, due to a private function in the Clubhouse, bowlers are asked to congregate in the BBQ area – and use the Window Bar.

This Saturday (25/3) bowls will be played for a Club Trophy It is a Casual dress day, and everyone is welcome. Play begins at 1pm and a BBQ will follow the game. Bowlers are asked to submit their names by 12.30pm

On Wednesday 29/3 – Mid Week Fours will be sponsored by Keith Muller, Gordon Jago, Dave Smith and John Keleher. Play begins at 11am

Night Bowls continue on Thursday 30 March at the usual starting time of 6.30pm.

The next club committee meeting is scheduled for 7.30pm Monday 10 April.


In a week of varying conditions bowlers were first enticed into the green and later in the week chased away due to the temperatures

Conditions were more in keeping with summer rather than an autumn day on the green at the Stanthorpe Bowls Club last Wednesday. Bowlers certainly enjoyed the pleasant conditions, and four games of Social bowls were played.

Helen Jones, Toby Robinson and Gazza Trevena scored a convincing win over Margaret Harvey, Barry Murphy and Brian Brown. The final score 22 shots to 11.

Robyn Smith, Bruno Stefanon and Peter Smith scored a four shot win over Noela Trollip, Basil Trollip and David Draper. The score 18—14

In the first of two games pairs games Tammy Robinson and Greg Hammond were no match for Amanda Jeffrey and David Rose and were beaten 27-14. In the final game of the afternoon Caroline Draper and Polly Lay thumped Colin Denning and Jack Bell 28-7.

The heat ramped up over the next few days and with temperatures nudging 35 degrees plus on Saturday (18/3) many of the Social bowlers chose to find a cool spot away from the green and that is not surprising. Only one game of bowls was played. There were four slightly crazy competitors on the green playing pairs. Greg Hammond and Jack Bell scored a two shot win over Colin Denning and Rocky Thompson. Final scores 23-12. A small group of visitors also braved the heat and had a roll up on Saturday.

Conditions were perfect on the green on Thursday evening and drew another excellent crowd with 28 bowlers playing Twilight Bowls.

Peter Smith and his team had a 17-9 win over Brian Brown’s group.

Rocky Thompson’s crew scored a four shot win over Gazza Trevena’s group (16-12).

Jack Bell’s team found Len Girgenti crew too strong and lost by four shots, (the score 19-15).

Polly Lay help steer her team to a resounding 22-7 win. They played Robyn Smith’s team.

The final group saw a due; between the six golfers. – President Len Leigh’s men and Santo Cavallaro’s crew. The President’s men sneaking in with a 15-13 win.

With the approach of the cooler weather (although it has been hard to imagine in the past few days) there will only be two more evenings of “Twilight Bowls” as the popular format goes into hibernation until the warner weather returns.

Thursday 30 March has been set down as the final night for this season. Please watch this space for more details. A reminder that both Novice and experienced bowlers most welcome to join the fun. To register your name/s simply call the Stanthorpe Bowls Club on 46811276 between 5.30 and 6pm on Thursday evening or be at the Club by 6pm to be slotted into a team. Bowls can be provided and please wear flat sole shoes.

The Bar will be operating, and Music will hit the airwaves during the evening so don’t miss out. There are only two more evenings to join in the fun.

Please call Len on 0477500402 or Jack on 0400412631 for further information regarding Twilight Bowls or the Stanthorpe Bowls Club.

Members are reminded that the 2023 self-selected Club Pairs Championship will be played on Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April.

Nominations close on Wednesday 29 March and the entry form is up on the Notice Board at the Club.


Conditions on the court at the Stanthorpe Mallet Club varied from quite warm but pleasant to down extreme by the end of the week. This players on court for the games of Association Croquet early last week found conditions warm but not too bad.

Joy Newman and Heather Widderick teamed to play Jenny Tunbridge. Tunbridge showed her experience and expertise when she pegged out with 26 to win the game 26-21. During the course of the game Tunbridge scored two peels and Joy Newman one.

Sharyn Roser and Pauline Smith went head to head in an interesting game. Roser skipped away to take a five lead early in the game. Roser scored five peels and, Smith two peels. Smith also scored two hoops in a row, but it was not enough to peg back Roser. She maintained her lead and went on to win 26 – 19.

Things were beginning to warm up when the Golf Croquet hit the court on Thursday.

In the opening game, Di Wren played two colours against Liz Ellway and Kim Steele. It was a close game, but Wren scored a two shot win. The score 19-17.

Liz Ellway and Di Wren then teamed up in a game against Kim Steele. Again it was a close game. Steele played two colours and went on to win 11 – 9.

The Gateball players hit the court on Friday and conditions were very hot but it did not deter the regular line up of players.

In the opening games Jenny Tunbridge and Heather Widderick played Joy Newman and Sharyn Roser.

Newman and Roser took an early lead as Tunbridge and Widderick struggled to get their balls into play. Roser managed a long spark through gate three and she and Newman went on to win the game 12 – 7.

The second game was very close but with five minutes left on the clock Tunbridge and Widderick turned the game and scored a 13-10 win.

The teams remained unchanged in the final two games. In game three there was little between the teams until Tunbridge got a touch and gate at gate two which enabled her to put three opposition balls out of play. She and her partner Tunbridge and Widderick went on to win 12 to 9.

In the final game Tunbridge and Widderick took control of hoops two and three early in the piece but Newman and Roser bounced back to take a good lead after accurate ‘touching’, managed to keep their opponents balls out of play. Newman and Roser scored three Agaris and went on to score an emphatic 18-9 win. Honours for the day – two games apiece.

Players will be eagerly awaiting the predicated cooler conditions this week.


The Warwick Bowls club hosted Jackpot bowls on Wednesday, 15 March.

Two rounds were played. In the opening round Max Balfour, John Ruhle and Bryan Wright scored a +10-10 win over Russell Bean, Michael Dungey and Craig Thurgate.

Pamela Kerr and Brian Black defeated Ken Hayes and Edwin Welsh +2-2.

In the second round Ken Hayes and Edwin Welsh defeated Pamela Kerr and Brian Black +5-5 while Max Balfour, John Ruhle and Bryan Wright defeated. Russell Bean, Michael Dungey and Craig Thurgate +4 -4. The Jackpot of $75 went begging. Wednesday 12th April will be the next chance for players to win but remember you must be at the club to win.

Another good crowd enjoyed beautiful conditions Thursday night on the green.

Nat Kumseewad, Ray Southee and Max Balfour combine dwell to defeat Kay Bloomfield, Peter Mole and Ryan Cooper 16-12. Peter Guy, John Ruhle and Max Holder proved too strong for the combination of Julie Grayson, Trish Owens and Gary Cooper. The final score 21-10.

Craig Thurgate once again did a great job organising the night. The greenkeeper, Peter Mole had the green playing beautifully.

The semi-finals of the Club B Grade Singles were played on last Saturday (18/3). Craig Thurgate scored a 25-17 win in his game against Ray Southee. Brian Black marked the game. Ray led on the 10th and 16th ends only to see Craig take back the lead and hold the lead through until the 23rd and final end.

In the second semi Faye Flint score a one shot (25-24) win over Gary Cooper. The Marker was Edwin Welsh.

Cooper held a comfortable 17-9 at the 16th end which was when Flint picked up the pace of her game. She won three more ends up to the 23rd end before she stepped up her game a gear winning the next six ends. By the 29th end she had secured a 25-24 which looked unlikely in the early stages.

Both games had spectators watching every bowl delivered. Congratulations to Craig and Faye move on to the final which will be played this Saturday.

While the semi-finals were being played there were social games being played on other rinks.

Pamela Kerr and John Ruhle scored a 16-9 win over Nat Kumseewad and Max Balfour. The score and players in the other game are unavailable. A timely reminder to all members to please complete the front of your cards with your full name, and the total score at the bottom of the Card. Failure to complete cards correctly means your results will be unable to be published.

Warwick Bowls Club program for the remainder of the month of March

Wed 22nd: KFC Sponsored Morning Bowls

Thurs 23rd: Evening Bowls with a Sausage Sizzle

Sat 25th: Final of the Club B Grade Singles – Faye Flint v Craig Thurgate plus Social Bowls

Wed 29th: Morning – Social

Thurs 30th: Evening Bowls with Sausage Sizzle. Please Note – this will be the last Evening Bowls competition until Summer. Social Bowls.

Bowlers are also reminded that from 5 April – Wednesday Bowls revert to the afternoon time slot. Names to be submitted between 12noon and 12.30pm. Play begins at 1pm.


The Southern Cross Bowls club celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in style last Friday night. There were bowls burgers and more as a crowd of 50 people got into the Irish theme of things. The night was sponsored by the club’s resident Irishman Val Gray. The majority of the big crowd played bowls; some giving the game a try for the first time. There was plenty of green to be seen and even a touch of orange among the outfits really was a Craic – You could barely hear yourself for all the laughter.

At the half time break the crowd headed inside to sample the fabulous burgers cooked up by master chef Joe Torrisi and in keeping with Joe’s heritage there was nary a green burger in sight.

At the end of the game the raffle was drawn, and the lucky winners were able to select from the 20 prizes that miraculously appeared on the table. Must have been the work of the leprechauns.

Sally Gray was given the task of choosing the Best Dressed winners on behalf of her father in law and sponsor Val.

The winners were Marion Frame who was dressed to the nines from top hat to toenails, and Rusty the biggest leprechaun ever to be seen, to be sure, to be sure.

The winning team was drawn out of the hat and the team of Randy Russell, Liam Holland, Sophia Holland and Geoff Davis had the luck of the Irish on the night.

The losing team on the card drawn out who ended up being the winners of the losers was Val Gray, Danielle Sticklen, Leon Sticklen and Pat Gainey. No that’s a little bit Irish.

The winning leads were Steve Worth and G Conden. Peter Ridgewell and Mark Dangerfield both received a prize each for playing second in their teams. (More Irish logic at work). The club thanks everyone who attended and made it a special evening. A big thank you to Val Gray for his sponsorship and to all those involved in organising the event.

This week, there is the Men’s Committee Meeting at 3pm on Friday followed by the Management Committee at about 4pm.

This Friday night social bowls at the Cross may be a little less boisterous but still guaranteed to be a fun evening. The fun starts at 6pm. Be at the club by 5.30pm to register your name or please call 07 4661 1876 between 5pm and 5.30pm to submit your name/s. Everyone is welcome including beginners.


Sunday 23 April; Charity Bowls Day For Breast Cancer – Bowls start 10am. All welcome.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

For further information please contact the secretary’s email – To book a function, call Patrick 0409 616 163. You can also follow the club’s activities on their Facebook page.

2023 SDDLBA Championship Fours

The Texas Bowls Club hosted the 2023 Southern Downs District Ladies Bowls Assoc (SDDLBA) Championship Fours on March 14. The Championships were sponsored by the

Warwick Credit Union.

In round one of the competition Texas played Texas and Composite played Composite.

Unfortunately, Texas was the only club fully supporting the event with two teams nominated. The composite teams included players from Texas, Inglewood, Southern Cross, Warwick East and Tenterfield.

Only two players (Trudy Elder and Sandra Pianta) from the 2022 winning team were on hand to defend their title. Jill Hankins unfortunately ruled out with back injury. The fourth member of the team was the late Gaye Wilmot of the Summit who is sorely missed within the District. Judy and Elana, of Tenterfield stepped up to complete the 2023 team.

Thanks to the work of the green keeper and his crew the green was running well.

Both games resulted in close low scores after 14 ends. After a short break for morning tea the ladies headed out for Round two.

As the weather warmed up those on the green had a job to stay cool. Spray bottles of water made an appearance and players enjoyed a quick spray of cold water after every second end to help the ladies play at their best.

Scores were once again close with Trudy Elder’s team holding on for their second win before a break in play for lunch.

After three rounds were completed Trudy, Sandra, Judy and Elana completed the clean sweep with three win from three.

The 2023 Championship Fours Trophy was theirs.

The next SDDLBA Championship Event, is the Three Bowl Pairs competition which has been moved to 22-23 July and will be played at Clifton.