Sports Shorts

Southern Cross bowlers Julie Foster, Geoff Davis and Geoff Creighton won the recent Texas Open Triples Carnival. Bowlers from the club cleaned up on their trip to Texas. Players from the Cross filled first, second and fourth place at the Carnival.


Saturday the Summit Bowls Club has the honour of hosting the blue riband Men’s District Champion of Champion Singles playoff and final.

The eight Club Singles champions from the clubs in the district will represent their clubs playing for the ultimate honour of being named Singles Champion of Champions.

Representing their clubs are Michael Kindelan Clifton; Alex Millgate (Goondiwindi); Gary Trevena(Stanthorpe), Aaron McKinney (Tannymorel), David Smith (Tenterfield), Neville Morris (Texas); Frank Taylor (The Summit) and Robbie Alcock (Warwick East).

These bowlers are the cream of the district. Neville Morris and Frank Taylor have won several District Singles titles between them. The young guns of the competition, Michael Kindelan, Alex Millgate and Aaron McKinney are more than capable of winning the event.

Robbie Alcock always steps up and plays well in these events. David Smith has returned to Tenterfield after many years and Gary Trevena are new to this competition, but both have played well to win their respective club titles.

It is a very open field and there should be some outstanding games on Saturday in the knock out comepitition. An open draw will be held prior to play on Saturday morning and games are expected to start approximately 9am.

Spectators are most welcome to come and watch what are sure to be some excellent games of bowls.

The winner of the Southern Downs District title will go on to represent the SDMDBA in the Group Three playoffs at Chinchilla (note the change of venue) in late July.

Last Saturday at the Summit a dozen bowlers played social bowls. Three games of pairs were played. The original game of two bowls pairs was changed to three bowl pairs due to some confusion around the rules.

Rod Crome and Owen O’Brien defeated Eddie Zanatta and Pam Moore 20-15.

Matthew Murphy played with Darren Stanley and the pair scored a 21-11 win over Keith Mungall and Frank Taylor. Margaret Harvey and Adrian Jackson proved too strong for Barry Murphy and Alex Mattiazzi winning their game 25-13.

We understand that Two Bowl Pairs will be played at a later date when a “baby sitter” is available to run the game.

The program for June looks like this:-

Saturday 3 June – as above Southern Downs Champion of Champion Singles play offs. There will also be games of social bowls.

Sat 10 June – ‘A’ and ‘B’ pairs final and social bowls. Nominations close for ‘B’ Singles

Sat 17 June – Men’s ‘B’ Singles – Social Bowls

Southern Downs Men’s District meeting at Warwick East Bowls Club

Tues 20 June – Turkey Triples


There were good numbers on the green at the Warwick East Bowls Club last for the club’s monthly pairs as club members and visiting bowlers took advantage of the perfect conditions. The winners were Ron Philps and Sue Butz, the runners-up Carl Sutherland and Maree Ball.

The opening rounds of the club’s self-selected pairs competition were played on Saturday. The forecast strong, cold wind did not arrive to the relief of players and conditions were ideal. In the first round Ed Diery and John Harslett defeated Margaret Wright and Shirley Alcock 23-13. Peter Collis and Johnno Johnson scored a 23-14 win over opponents Gunter Nicklich and Peter Dipplesman.

In the second round Rob Alcock and Mick O’Leary were too strong for Ed Diery and John Harslett scoring an 18-013 win. Peter Collis and Johnno Johnson scored a comfortable 22-17 win over Steve Ford and Bill Lee.

Collis and Johnson and Alcock and O’Leary have moved through to the final following their wins. The final will be played on Saturday, 10 June.

Today (June 1) the Club will be hosting the monthly Tripes day with play beginning at 10am.

There will be games of mixed Social Bowls this Saturday at Warwick East. Play in these games begins at 1pm. Please submit names by 12.30pm.

Rob Alcock will be representing Warwick East in the Champion of Club Champions competition on Saturday and is wished good luck.

Members are reminded that those wishing to order a club shirt and/or jacket should add their names to the list on the club notice board.


It has been another busy week on the green at the Warwick Bowls Club. On Wednesday 24/5) the club hosted a club sponsored afternoon of bowls. There were 16 bowlers on the Green, plus a group of visitors.

Congratulations to the Winners (highest winning score), Barry Perks and Russell Bean who scored a two shot win over Michael Dungey and John Ruhle. The score 22-20. Russell says Barry played like a real Champion.

The Runner’s-up Ken Hayes and Brian Black scored a 19-15 win over James White, and Phil Wagner.

In other games Darryl Phillips, Percy Cutmore and Max Holder defeated Pamela Kerr, Ray Southee and Edwin Welsh 18-14.

In a close game Nat Kumseewad, Max Balfour and Trevor Wright scored a one shot win over Trish Owens, Denis Sterling and Bryan Wright. The final score 18-17.

The second round of the Self Selected Triples were played on Saturday while those not involved played social bowls.

As there were only five teams in the Self Selected Triples, the Competition was started in the second Round column on the Competition Sheet with the following results.

Peter Guy, Doug Christensen and Russell Bean defeated Gary Cooper, Richard Tartan and Bryan Wright 37-10.

Round three will be played this Saturday (see below for call up)

In the social games Michael Dungey and John Ruhle scored a 17-9 win over Max Balfour and Ken Hayes. The final score does not reflect what a great game this was. On several occasions Max and Ken held several shots only to see John Ruhle, sneak in and hold the shot. Great play John. Without a doubt this was an enjoyable game for players and spectators.

Pamela Kerr, Percy Cutmore and Craig Thurgate had a three shot win over Brian Black, Trish Owens and Trevor Wright. The score17-14.

Looking ahead

Sat 3rd June: Round Three Self Selected Triples – call up as follows:-

Ray Southee, John Ruhle and Max Holder v Peter Guy, Doug Christensen and Russell Bean.

Pamela Kerr, Brian Black and Craig Thurgate v Aaron Payne, Edwin Welsh and Trevor Wright.


Clifton Bowls club held their Mid-Week fours competition on Wednesday 24 May. The event which was sponsored by members Keith Muller, Gordon Jago, Dave Smith and John Keleher was once again well supported.

The winning team of B Lindemayer, C Kearney, G Lewis and R Scurr defeated G Knights, P Mole, L Collie and D Hughes 28 – 9 in their opening game. They went on to ensure their overall win when they defeated S Tweedie, B Jones, N Short and M Short 18-5 in round two.

The runner’s up, D Wright, M Tickle, C Theodosis and L Bartz scored a 22-10 win in the opening round over J Cochrane, F Ruhle, G Horne and L Harvey.

In the second round they scored a 15-12 win over R Chicken, K Weier, G Ticehurst and D Hamblin.

The final round winners, J Torrisi, M Skaines, D Scotney and K Hankinson defeated K Morris, D Kehl, L Smith and R Kehl 17-10.

Social bowls were played on Saturday. In the opening game B Kindelan and M Kindelan defeated B Betts and N Postle 10 – 9 while A Larkin and D Smith def J Cochrane and G Death 11 – 7.

In the second games team Kindelan scored a 15-7 win over A Larkin and D Smith while J Cochrane and G Death had a very comfortable 17-1 win over Betts and Postle.


Nominations for the Club Selected Triples are now being accepted. A nomination fee of $3.00 applies – and must be paid by the closing date on 22 July 2023. The competition will be played on 29 and 30 July weather permitting.

Saturday 3 June – Open Singles starting at 9.30 am. Nomination fee $20.00. The first 24

nominations will be accepted. Games 10 ends each. (First prize $100.00 – second prize $75.00). Nominations to Secretary Garry on 0429893283.

Sat 10th June – Prem and Lynda Ryatt’s Day. Names in by 12.30 pm for a 1pm start. Casual dress – all welcome.

Mon 12 June – Committee Meeting at 7 pm.

Wed 14 June – Men’s Free Health Night – dinner at 6 pm with Guest Speakers

from 6.30 pm.

The bar at the Clifton Bowls Club will be open this Friday from 5pm. Meals will be available from 6pm. To book please call Julie (0402 029 263). The members Jackpot stands at $30.

The Clifton Bowls Clubhouse is available for private hire simply call Necia for further details (0438 973 707)


Bowlers on the green at the Stanthorpe Bowls club enjoyed pleasant conditions for their games last week.

Social bowls were played on Wednesday (24/5). Robyn Rose, Greg Hammond and David Rose scored a 21 – 16 win over R. Rose, Wendy Hurnall and Jack Bell.

On the adjacent rink the team of Helen Jones, Barry Murphy and Brian Brown proved too strong for Margaret Harvey, Gary Trevena and Mick Mills am scored a 16-9 win.

Last Saturday (27/5) May 27 two more games of social bowls were played.

In a very close game Helen Jones, Jack Bell and David Rose played Dot Rankin, Robyn Rose and Brian Brown . Coming into the final end the scores were all tied up at 17 all before Jones, Bell and Rose secured one shot to claim an 18 -17 win.

On another rink Greg Hammond and Len Girgenti score a comfortable 24-12 win in their game against Rocky Thompson and Gary Trevena defeating.

On Wednesday 7 June the Stanthorpe Bowls Club will host an Inter Club competition, the ‘Stanthorpe Turkey Triples. Green fees of $15 per player include two games of bowls and a light lunch. The bar will be operating and there will be prizes for winners and runners up and

To nominate or for further information please contact Gary Trevena (0427 660 881) or Peter Smith (0421 040 262).

Member of the Stanthorpe Bowls club are reminded that the 2023 Club Fours

Championship is scheduled for Saturday 10th June. An entry form for the competition has been placed on the Club notice board.

This friendly team at Repco Stanthorpe are the club’s recognised sponsors this week and the club thanks them for their ongoing support and sponsorship.

If you are interested in trying lawn bowls. contact the team from “the Friendly Club” the Stanthorpe Bowls Club on 0477500402 for further information.


Warwick Croquet players report that although the mornings have been very cold the afternoons recently are tailor made for Croquet.

The Association group were on court on Tuesday (25/3) for their regular games.

Peter Campbell and Lesley Grayson defeated Tony Hinde and Marg Lawton 17-11.

Bob and E’Lane Burt scored a 20-16 win over Trish Davey and Dorothy Gartery.

Beth Schottelius and Carol Ryan revelled in the conditions last when the Golf Croquet group hit the court. Both players excelled each scoring three Hole in One.


Beth Schottelius and Maree Windle (7) V Jan Hegarty and Carol Ryan (6)

Sue Stanley-Harris and Marian Cirson (7) V Lil Henricks and Rhyl Dearden (5)

Helen Dooley (5) – Robyn Luck (5)- Maryanne Morgan (5)

Marian Cirson and Jan Hegarty (7) V Dani Logan and Maree Windle (5)

Robyn Luck and Maryanne Morgan (7) V Lil Henricks and Sue Stanley-Harris (5)

Beth Schottelius and Carol Ryan (7) V Rhyl Dearden and Helen Dooley (6)

Marian Cirson (7) – Maree Windle (5) – Helen Dooley (5)

Robyn Luck and Jan Hegarty (7) V Maryanne Morgan and Carol Ryan (5)

Sue Stanley-Harris (7) V Beth Schottelius (5)


The opening rounds of the Southern Cross Bowls Club Mixed Fours were played last Saturday and scores in the opening round were very close. Not so the second round.

This Saturday, Wayne Foster, Cita Weier, Clark Davidson and Pat Walker will play Dave Scotney, Sophia Holland, Gordon Assay and Brett Patrick in the final.

Bowlers from the Cross snuck over to Texas on Sunday for the Texas Open Triples carnival and stole the show.

Julie Foster, Geoff Davis and Geoff Creighton were the outright winners. The runner’s up another team from the Cross, Kim Hankinson, Clark Davidson and Al Thornton.

The Southern Cross interlopers did allow Ray Williams and his team to grab third place but just to ensure a Southern Cross white out the of Matt Shepherd, Gordon Assay from the Cross and Mick O’Leary took off with fourth place.

They went, they played they plundered the winnings. Well done Texas and District Bowls Club and all the players. Bi thank you to David Cross and Barry White for running the show.

Looking ahead:-

Saturday 3 June Club Mixed Fours Final 1pm start – also Social Bowls. Be at the club by 12.30pm to get a game (1pm start also). All welcome.

Saturday 10 June – Social Bowls 1pm.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church, Warwick.

Contact secretary email ( For function inquiries contact Patrick 0409 616 163 or follow the club’s activities on Facebook.