Festival of football

The teams of players from Timor Leste and Vauata,

By Casey O'Connor

On Sunday football lovers were treated to a unique spectacle at the Stanthorpe International Club – a football game between Italy and Australia.

Long time Co-ordinator of the game Franco Arcidiacono said the game was “purely ‘symbolic.’”.

“A friendly match, which celebrates the important role football has always played in the integration of the Italians into the local Anglo-Australian community of Stanthorpe.”

This competition between an “Italian’ and ‘Australian’ team has been a tradition in this area for many years.

It is timed in early June to coincide with Italy’s National Day, 2 June and the Australian and Italian flags flew proudly above the International Club on Sunday celebrating Italy becoming a Democratic Republic 77 years ago in 1946.

In 1961 when the Italians immigrants to the region built the International Club one of the first things they did was form a soccer team and named it ‘Combines’, in the spirit of togetherness.

That spirit was on show as players from all teams in Stanthorpe and beyond donned either the Australia or Italian strip depending on their allegiances and heritage. It was club-mates facing off against club mates in a spirited but friendly game.

Arcidiacono, who has a long association with football in Stanthorpe as a former player and administrator, said it was an important game on the local calendar.

“One of the positives that often comes from the is the flow on effect of breaking down some of the irrational Club rivalries making for better inter- club relations and cooperation, to the betterment of football in the region,” he said.

Conditions were bleak and rain threatened but nothing dampened the enthusiasm of the players or the large number of spectators who were treated to a feast of football.

This year there were two games, a Ladies game followed by a Men’s game.

For a player to be eligible to play for Italy if they choose selection criteria mandates at least one parent be of Italian background.

Although friendly games, things were tough on the pitch showcasing the spirit of Mateship Sportsmanship and Friendship.

Italy scored a win in the Ladies game but went down one-nil in the men’s game.

Megan Jones (Inter Club) was named player of the Match for the Italy side while Brittany Reyner (Carlton)received the Award for the best in the Australian side.

Play went from end to end in the men’s game with both goal keepers kept busy the score at half-time nil-all.

After the break the pattern continued. The referee became a target; almost felled by an errant kick off an Australian boot. Fortunately Dave McKinnon saw the amusing side saying of all the area on the pitch how did the kicker land the ball in his square metre of turf.

The deadlock was eventually broken when City player Hunter Clark snuck the ball past the Italy keeper shortly before full time.

Despite several attempts Italy could not find the back of the net and the Australian team made it back to back win in this competition.

There were plenty of eyes on Jack Reedy who played striker for Italy. Jack is home on holiday from the UK where he based at the Steven Gerrard Academy and obviously enjoyed the game.

United’s Brad Rub (Australia) and Ballandean player Renato Lofrano-Farangus (Italy) were named as the best for their teams.

The entertainment did not end there. At the completion of the Men’s game another multicultural match was played between the IComply Vanuatu team and Timor Leste team from Eastern Colour. This was another entertaining match with Eastern colour coming away with the win 3-2.

The entire day was once again a truly festive feast of football .