Bowls briefs

They start them young at the Warwick East Bowls Club.


A damp green saw the combined Southern Cross/Warwick Friday night bowls competition at Warwick, become Bingo and Barbie instead of Barbie and Bowls.

However social bowls were played at the Cross on Sunday with teams playing triples.

The winners played winners and losers played losers after 10 ends. The overall winner with the highest score was the team made of Barry Frame, Peter Ridgewell and Dave Scotney. Well played boys.

Gordon Assay’s number rolled out of the barrel for the Member draw, unfortunately he was not there to collect his prize money. The good news is the jackpot this week is now $40. Yowie won the first lucky numbers raffle and Peter Klowss the second.

This Friday (10/11) Night Bowls returns to the Southern, $12 for a game of bowls and sausage and salad. Call the club (07) 4661 1876 between 5pm and 5.30pm or be at the club by 5.30 to get a game. Everyone is welcome including beginners.

This Sunday Social bowls are on again with the action starting at 1pm.

Be at the club by 12.30 to get a game, everyone is welcome to join in.


The Warwick East Bowls club held their Monthly Triples competition on Thursday.

The overall winners were Dave Scotney, Bill Lee, Steve Ford and Barry Ziebell (Steve and Barry played one game each). The runners-up were Gordon Assay, Terry Banditt and Peter Ridgewell.

The club-selected open triples competition got underway last Saturday. In the opening round Aaron McKinney, Sue Butz and Steve Ford scored a 21-12 win over Peter Collis, Adam Tozer and Julie Lister.

Mark Lister, Shirley Alcock and Nick Farmer defeated Johnno Johnson, Ralph Tate and Bill Lee 29-8.

Wayne Foster, Cita Weir and David Butz played Rob Alcock, Linda Hartley and Julie Foster and scored a 25-13.

In the second round Steve Foster’s team scored a 20-8 win over Mark lister’s team. Ed Diery, John Harslett and Gordon Assay had a bye in the first round and in their opening game in round two played Aaron McKinney’s team and scored a 17-12 win. The club selected mixed triples final between Wayne Foster, David Butz and Cita Weir and the team of Ed Diery Gordon Assay and John Harslett will now be played on Friday 17 November at 5.30 pm.

Due to the very welcome rain last Friday there were no night bowls however weather permitting Night Bowls will return this Friday night (10/11). Play gets underway at 6pm.

Social bowls will be played this Saturday. Games begin at 1pm.

There will also be some preparation to be done in readiness for the Open Fours carnival this Sunday, 12 November.


The bushfire situation around the district caused the cancellation of the Stanthorpe Bowls Club’s scheduled November ‘Turkey Triples’ set down to be played Wednesday, 1 November.

While it was unfortunate, our thoughts and prayers are with those people who sustained damage to their homes and property.

On a happier note, two games of social triples were played on Wednesday (1/11). The ladies team of Sylean Fairley, Polly Lay and Wendy Hurnall proved too strong for their male opponents, (David Draper, Bruno Stefanon and David Rose). The girls scored a comprehensive 21-13 win.

On the adjoining rink Colin Denning, Brian Brown and Len Girgenti were defeated 19-13 by Caroline Draper, John Fairley and Ossie McPaul.

Two more games social triples were played on Saturday (4/11). Robyn Rose, Sylean Fairley and Brian Brown scored a three shot win over Caroline Draper, John Fairley and Jack Bell.

In the second game, Helen Jones, Polly Lay and David Rose had a convincing win over the team of Colin Denning, David Draper and Mick Mills. The final score 21-8.

‘Twilight Bowls’ next week. The first game will be played on Thursday 16/11 starting at 6.30pm. First time bowlers and regular bowlers are most welcome. The cost is $5.00 per person. Children are also welcome but must be 12 years or over to play.

To register your name/s please call the Club on (07) 4681 1276 on the day, between 5.30pm and 6.00pm or be at the Club no later than 6pm to be put into a team.

Alternatively you can enter your own team. Bowls can be provided and if you are planning to play, please wear flat soled shoes.

The Bar will be operating and there will be a ‘Sausage Sizzle” from 5.30pm, a raffle and fun games with prizes.

There will be some great music provided by the popular duo, Dave and Todd.

This is a great opportunity for new bowlers to try their hand at this great sport. For further information please contact Len (0477 500 402) or Peter (0427 660 881).

A reminder to all bowlers that the Southern Downs District Bowls Association Men’s Presidents Singles will be played at the Stanthorpe Bowls club on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 November.

The Stanthorpe Gala Day is scheduled for Wednesday 29 November starting at 10am.

Thanks to this week’s green sponsors, the friendly team at Sandro’s Cabinets. Your support is greatly appreciated.


The rain held off and Bowlers were on the green at the Summit on Saturday afternoon for social games.

Rod Newlands and Adrian Jackson scored a 19-15 win over Margaret Harvey and Alex Mattiazzi. Pam Moore and Darren Stanley played Rod Crome and Paul Zamprogno and scored a 22-11 win.

Joe Stratman, Ray Spiller and Rob Capelli defeated Trevor Wilmot, Phil Davis and Brian Wilmot 16-7.

The final two district events in 2023 are now only weeks away. The Men’s Presidents Singles will be played at the Stanthorpe Bowls club on Saturday Nov 18th. Nominations for this event

close tomorrow, Friday 10/11.

The Mixed Two Bowl Triples will be played on Saturday and Sunday, 2nd and 3rd December at the Summit Bowls Club.

Both events have certain conditions of play set by the District Match Committee which organises, and controls matches in the district.

Teams playing in the Mixed Triples must consists of one lady and two men. The Skip for each team must be a man.

The Annual Meeting of the club will be held at 11am on Saturday 11 November. A minute’s silence will be observed prior to the meeting as it is Armistice Day.

Members are reminded that they are required to be financial to vote at the meeting. Nominations are open for the various board positions.

The programme for the coming weeks:-

Saturday 11 Nov AGM 11am following a minute’s silence, 1 pm trophy afternoon

Saturday 18 Nov Social Bowls – Presidents Singles at Stanthorpe.

Tuesday 21 Nov Turkey triples

Friday 24 Nov, family barbeque

Satuday 25 Nov social bowls

Saturday 2 Dec District Mixed Two Bowl Triples – The Summit Bowls Club – Sectional

Sunday 3 Dec District Mixed Two Bowl Triples – The Summit Bowls Club – Post Sectional


A small group played pairs at the Warwick Bowls club on Wednesday (1/11). Barry Perks and John Ruhle scored a 26-17 win over Pamela Kerr and Russell Bean. 26-17. James White and Trevor Wright defeated Max Balfour and Ken Hayes by two shots. The score 14-12.

A reminder if it is raining on a Friday evening, please call the appropriate Club (Warwick or Southern Cross) to check if anything else has been scheduled.

On Saturday there was just one game of Pairs which was won by Nat Kumseewad and Edwin Welsh. They score a 26-17 win over Barry Perks and Craig Thurgate.

Coming Events:

Friday 10 Nov: Barefoot Night Bowls at Southern Cross, (call Southern Cross (07) 4661 1876 between 5pm and 5.30pm to register) play begins at 6pm.

Saturday 11 Nov: social bowls

Wednesday 15 Nov: KFC sponsored bowls.

Friday 17 Nov: Barefoot night bowls at Warwick Bowls Club (bowls and bbq Call (07) 4661 1516 between 5pm and 5.30pm to register. Play begins at 6pm.

Sat 18/11: Social Bowls

To nominate for Bowls on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons please call the Warwick Bowls Club (07) 46611516 between noon and 12.30pm. Play begins at 1pm.

A reminder that the Warwick Bowls Club Christmas party will be held on Thursday 23 November.


The Southern Downs District Ladies Bowls Association (SDDLBA) is holding an “Over 60’s Bowls Day” at the Warwick Bowls Club on Tuesday 14 November. Morning Tea is at 8.30am with play starting at 9.15am. There will be two rounds of 16 ends and a Lite lunch will be served.

If you are organising a function, consider the Warwick Bowls Club. It is an ideal venue. For further details or to make a booking please call 0412 661 924, Craig Thurgate.


A large crowd braved cool and windy conditions on the Clifton green Thursday night.

The overall winners the team of Chris, Red and Ryan. The runners up Josh, Arthur and Gordon B.

Saturday was another big day on the green with the club hosting the Weier Boys Day.

Results:- G Death, L Rawlings, G Jago and C Rawlings defeated Danielle, M Rees, J Bero and D Schefe 18 – 13.

J Foster, M Arthur, G Goldman and B Fiedler scored a 19-14 win over E Hobbs, A Smerdon, B Hobbs and M Scott.

A Imhoff, G Knights and D Hughes proved too strong for J McQuillan, R McQuillan, N Smith and G Dwan. The score 26 – 9.

C Caldicott, D Wiltshire, A Say and D Hoy were defeated 24-15 by B Betts, M Rawlings, L Smith and D Smith.

R Williams, B Donovan, B O’Hara and T Arthur defeated M McIntyre, Spida, B Hogan and Stretch 23 – 19.

D Wall, M Lamb and S Erbacher scored a one shot win over J Beasley, C McGraph and R Smith. The final score 17 – 16.

N Seminsin, S Beresford, L Taylor and J Leppalla won their game against J Cochrane, A Rawlings, M Skaines and N Postle 19 – 17.

Looking ahead

Tonight (9/11) – Night Bowls at 7pm. Please be at the club by 6.30pm to assist the organizers.

Saturday 11 November – No bowls this weekend.

Saturday 18 November – Tony Morris Sponsored Day – names in by 12.30 pm play starts at 1pm.

All welcome. Casual dress. Play will be followed by a Sausage sizzle.

Saturday 25 November – Veteran Singles – 9am start. Cost $14.00 includes green fees, morning tea and lunch. The bowlers nominated are :- K Morris, L Smith, G Jago, I Weier, R Kehl, N Postle, G Knights, D Hughes and G Death. Two games of 10 ends will be followed by a final.

ends each which will be followed by a final also of 10 ends.

The club will be open from 5pm this Friday with meals available from 6pm. All Julie 0402 029263 to make a booking. There will also be raffles and the member’s draw has jackpotted to $90.

The Clubhouse is available for private hire. Please contact Necia (0438 973 707) for further details.