Sports Shorts

Southern Cross bowlers found their way to Tannymorel this week and came away with prizes - more details of their raid next week.


The weather on Saturday afternoon was not great and as a result only one game of triples was played at the Summit Bowls Club. In the game of the diehards Rod Crome, Pam Moore and Frank Taylor scored a convincing 23-10 win over Joe Stratman, Paul Zamprogno and Adrian Jackson.

This weekend the Summit Bowls club hosts District Mixed Two Bowl Triples this weekend and organisers will be hoping conditions improve.

All games will be played to the District’s Conditions of Play which have been in place for 20 years. Players should be aware they are to be at the club at 8.30am on Saturday to draw sections.

The finals will be played on Sunday and players will be advised of the Sunday schedule on Saturday afternoon.

The opening event of the SDDMBA 2024 calendar is the Men’s District fours which will be held Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 January.

The comepitition has been scheduled early in the new year and flyers will be emailed to all clubs early in December. Participation in this event is a requirement for District selection.

All nominations should be sent either on the entry form or by email to Paul Beaman.

The Summit Bowls Club programme for the coming weeks:-

Saturday 2 December – Social bowls; District Mixed Two Bowl Triples – (Summit Bowls Club) Sectional

Sunday 3 December – District Mixed Two Bowl Triples – (Summit Bowls Club) Post Sectional

Saturday 9 Dec Trophy Afternoon

Saturday 16 Dec – Summit Christmas Party

Tuesday 19 Dec – Turkey Triples


It was busy on the green at the Warwick Golf club last Wednesday (22/11) with 18 players rolling up for Jackpot Bowls. Once again the Jackpot went beginning and has now climbed to $100.

In round one on Wednesday Ken Hayes and Edwin Welsh combined to defeat Pamela Kerr and Brian Black +10 -10.

John Ferguson and Jude Whaites defeated Denis Sterling and Trevor Wright +10 -10. Darryl Phillips and Russell Bean had a win over Peter Guy and Max Holder. The score +3 -3.

Barry Perks, Nat Kumseewad and Ray Southee scored a +4 -4 win over Pat Seipelt, Michael Dungey and John Ruhle.

In round two (Skips name only):- Russell Bean defeated Brian Black +7 -7; Trevor Wright defeated Edwin Welsh +12 -12; John Ferguson defeated Max Holder +5 -5; Ray Southee defeated John Ruhle +13 -13.

The date for the next Jackpot Bowls day has not yet been supplied.

On Friday it was Southern Cross Bowls Club’s turn to hold the Friday Evening Bowls, and as always was a great and friendly night of Bowls, Sausage Sizzle etc.

See you all at the Warwick Club this Friday night, 1st December.

Coming Events for December:

Friday 1 December: Evening Bowls. ‘Phone 46611516 between 5pm and 5.30pm for play at 6pm.

Sausage Sizzle $12pp.

Everyone is very welcome. If you have never played just come along and enjoy the game. Bowls are supplied;

Saturday 2 December: Social Bowls

Monday 4: Management Meeting 10am

Tuesday 5 Dec: Monthly Triples (Dress Code – Your best Christmas attire)

Wednesday 6 Dec: No bowls – Bowlers are welcome to practice.

Friday 8: Evening bowls at Southern Cross. Phone 4661 1876 – 5pm to 5.30pm to register for play at 6pm

Saturday 9 Dec: Social

Wednesday 13 Dec: KFC sponsored Bowls

Friday 15 Dec: Warwick Bowls Club host Evening Bowls. This is the final night Bowls game for 2023 so make it a good one – dress up if you wish – Times – as above.

Saturday 16 Dec: Social Bowls.

The green at the Warwick Bowls Club will be closed over the Christmas period.


Peter Collis and Adam Tozer were the winners of the Warwick East Monthly pairs comepitition played last Thursday. Dan Hughes and Matt Shepherd were the runners up.

The club hosted the annual patron and Patroness day last Saturday. Six games of tripes were played during the afternoon. Prize winners were randomly from the hat. There was also a “spiders” competition with prizes for the first ten bowlers scoring a toucher.

To add even more, in an unusual twist bowlers played with the club’s very extensive collection of ancient bowls.

Patron Bill and Patroness Gloria provided raffle prizes and a delicious afternoon tea to wrap up what was a great day. Thanks to them for arranging a great day.

This Saturday (2/12) the club will host the usual mixed bowls afternoon. Play begins at 1pm.

The club will host the final monthly Triples game in 2023 next Thursday (7/1). Play starts at 10am.


It was a particularly busy week at the Clifton Bowls club with something for everyone. Midweek Fours, Night Bowls and the Veteran’s comepitition played last week.

The winners of the Clifton bowls Club mid-week fours comepitition held last Wednesday (22/11) Wednesday and sponsored by Pat Weir MP were L Hudson, B Lucht, I Hedge and J Harrison. The Runners-up – P Ayerst, D Callaghan, F Taylor and P Collis.

The last round winners were K Bloomfield, G Cooper, P Christensen and D Christensen.

Thursday Night Bowls remain popular. Last week’s winners Chris, Red and Ryan. The Runners-up -Tillie, Hazel and Gordon.

The Men’s veterans comepitition was played last Saturday (25/11) .

Results Section One:- K Morris defeated G Jago 8 – 6. G Jago proved too strong for L Smith scoring a 15 – 5 win. L Smith had a comfortable 12-3 win over K Morris.

Section Two Results: – N Postle proved too strong for I Weier scoring a 15-5 win. Only two shots separated R Kehl and N Postle. The score 7 – 5. R Kehl defeated I Weier 12 – 5.

Section Three Results:- D Hughes defeated G Knights 11 – 3 and then scored a 12-7 win over G Knights defeated G Death 11 – 9.

In the semifinal round Semi Finals – D Hughes scored a one shot win over N Postle (8 – 7).

G Jago had a more comfortable win over R Kehl. The score 13 – 5.

D Hughes and G Jago played the final which turned out to be a one sided affair. D Hughes scoring a 14-1 win. Congratulation to the winner. the final wrapped up a interesting day of comepitition.

Looking ahead:-

Tonight (30/11) Night Bowls at 7pm. Please get there by 6.30pm to assist the organizers. New bowlers welcome.

Saturday 2 December – Club Trophy – Names in by 12.30pm – 1pm start. Casual dress.

Saturday 16 December – Club Christmas Party and Presentation Night. Bowls begin at 2pm (names in by 1.30pm). Games will be followed by a two course dinner. Cost $15pp (bowls and dinner). Dinner only $10pp. Numbers are required for catering purposes. If you are planning to attend, please add your name to the list in the Clubhouse. Dress casual.

Club President Annette Larkin is donating the trophies for the day.

This Friday (1 December ) the bar at the club opens at 5pm. Meals will be available from 6pm. Booking can be made by call Julie (0402 029 263) .

There will be raffles and the Member’s jackpot no stands at $120 but you have to be present to win. Everyone is welcome.

Friday 8 December is the next Karaoke night at the club.

The Clifton Bowls Clubhouse is available for private hire. Simply call Necia (0438 973 707) to obtain all the necessary information.


The Southern Cross Bowls Club hosted another round of Night Bowls on Friday night. Twenty-four players plus a couple of spectators enjoyed the evening.

It was another great combined Southern Cross / Warwick Bowls night, and it was good to see new bowlers, Mitch and Maxine giving the game a go.

The Lucky winners of the raffles were John Ruhle, Trish Owens, Val Gray, Peter Guy, Peter Cirson and Mitch.

A reminder if you are planning to attend the Cross Christmas party at the clubhouse (6pm, 9 December) tomorrow (1/12) is absolutely your last chance to add your name to the list. Phone Cameron 0452 421 961 so he can finalise external catering.

Friday 1 December – Combined Social Night Bowls at the Warwick Bowls Club (Fitzroy St). Game, sausage and salad all for $12. Phone the Warwick club 4661 1516 between 5pm and 5.30pm to get a game or be there by 5.30pm. 6pm start. Beginners are welcome.

Sunday 3 December – Social Bowls at the Cross 1pm. Be there at the club by 12.30pm to get a game. Everyone welcome, especially beginners.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

Email the secretary or to book a function or for further information please call Cameron 0452 421 961. You can follow the club on Facebook.


The Croquet Lawn in Warwick have loved the recent weather, and the condition of the playing surface is making play very enjoyable for members.

On Saturday 18th November, a small number of the Association Players were on court for their weekly game. Peter Speare and Tony Hinde were in fine form and Pegged out on 26 in their game against Dorothy Gartery and Lesley Grayson. The final score 26-13.

A large group played Golf Croquet on Thrusday and despite the good conditions there were no Hole in One recorded.

Helen Dooley and Carole Dorrough (7) V Lil Henricks and Barb Morrison (6)

Beth Schottelius and Maria Ryan (7) V Rhyl Dearden and Sue Stanley-Harris (5)

Maree Windle (7) V Meredith Thornton (6)

Rhyl Dearden and Maria Ryan (7) V Carole Dorrough and Maree Windle (6)

Sue Stanley-Harris (7) V Beth Schottelius and Meredith Thornton (5)

Helen Dooley (7) V Barb Morrison (5)

Sue Stanley-Harris and Helen Dooley (7) V Beth Schottelius (5)

Rhyl Dearden (7) V Barb Morrison (5)

Maree Windle and Maria Ryan (7) v Carole Dorrough and Meredith Thornton (5)


Members of the Southern Downs Rile Club enjoyed a fine morning on Rison Range last Sunday. The light winds at the 600 yard mound proved tricky to read and caught out the unwary. Well done to the winners of each class, John Cook, Richard McKillop and Ian Gaines.

Results :-

600 yards F Class

F Standard (max 126)

John Cook (120.8); Hayden Aspinall (111.2); Daryl Reck (95.2)

F Open (Max 126)

Richard McKillop (125 10); Kevin Birse (120.8) Kevin Jones (118.5);Dave Taylor (117.4); Bruce McAllan (115.3)Charlie Montgomery (112.3) Margaret Taylor (112.2)

Craig Montgomery (102.6 dnf – ammo problems)

Sporter/Hunter (105)

Ian Gaines (101.5); Marco Van (76.1)

This Sunday (3/12) Shooters will be at the 300 yard mound. Sign on is 7.30am ready for an 8am start.

If you require further information, please contact Margaret on (07) 4666 1018 for details.