Warwick wolves

Vanessa DeOliveria. Picture by Chris Munro

Lapse proves costly for Wolves

Warwick Wolves went down three-one to St Auburns in controversial circumstances in their Darling Downs Football Queensland Premier Three at Queens Park, Warwick at the weekend.

Wolves president Dom Benz said the Wolves had a goal disallowed for off-side when the two sides were sitting at one-all in the match. He said the home side took their heads out of the game as a result of the disputed moment which proved costly against a tough side.

“This team, although they are sitting on the bottom of the ladder, they probably don’t deserve to be, I’d say they’re the best team in the competition,” he said.

“They are just very well drilled, they work very well off each other. That made it a tough competition.”

He said the disallowed goal just minutes after the team had scored the equaliser proved a major distraction for the Wolves.

“When you’re playing against a good team you can’t let happen,” Benz said.

“They scored in the first 20 minutes we got one back through Corey Wren off a header in the 25th minute. It was well-placed, almost a set-play. Then we thought we had a second not too long after that but it was disallowed.”

St Auburns took advantage of Warwick’s disappointment taking the score to 3-1 at half-time.

“But the second half finished nil-all and we were happy enough with that.”

It was another tough weekend, the Under 23s went down 5-1.

“Everyone put in a fair amount of effort,” Benz said.

“It was two-nil up until the 70th minute but then the other team seemed to click, our fitness level is probably what let us down again. They scored two goals and striker Jayden O’Brien scored one late. It was good play, it was built from the backline, a quick counter-attack.”

Meanwhile an under-strength women’s team went down three-nil to Highfield at the weekend, the team that beat them 9-1 in the second game of the competition.

Missing their top striker and losing one of their defenders early, meant the team was forced to play without subs for the entire game.

Despite that the team was only down one-nil to the more fancied side, who are currently running second on the leader board showing they are becoming the team to watch in the competition despite only returning to the women’s competition after a couple of years absence.