International flavour to football in Stanthorpe

Ready to take for the big games are Sienna Bell (Italy jersey), event mastermind Franco Arcidiacono and Faith Lancaster (Australia jersey). The girls are the captains of the Fillies team's, playing for the "Scott Goodwin" memorial trophy on Saturday in Stanthorpe.

By Tania Phillips

Teams have been named, preparations made and allegiances chosen, it’s time to take to the field for the Stanthorpe’s annual Festival of Football.

Teams will take the field from 9am this Saturday for the event celebrates the Italian heritage of the many of those who played and still play the games in the region as well as celebrating the culture of many of the people who come to work on the farms in the area today.

Julie-ann Spiller, part of the organizing team behind the games said this year there would be Fillies and Over 35s as well as the men’s and women’s matches and the all important IComply Cup featuring workers from South Pacific Countries.

The event, the brain-child of local football stalwart Frank Arcidiacono who chooses the teams each year, had been a long-time unofficial event in Stanthorpe but was formalised into the Festival of Football three years ago.

“Preparations are now well underway and teams were announced late last week,” Spiller said.

“All the local clubs have now been notified as to who is in each team and we are hoping for another successful event.”

It’s all gearing up for an interesting clash with all club football suspended for the weekend for the first time allowing for everyone to come out, cheer on their team mates and enjoy the day.

Bragging rights are up for grabs with the Australian men and the Italian Women yet to be beaten since the competition officially began three years ago.

“The Australian men have always won but the Italian women have always won so both of the opposing sides in those two competitions are out for a win this year.

“Frank has been looking carefully at who is going to be in what teams. He’s picked the squads to ensure that they are fairly even. I’m of Italian background so obviously want the Italians to win,” she laughed.

“But it’s all about how we play the game.

“It’s a great community event where, regardless of whether you’ve got an allegiance to one side or the other it doesn’t matter, it’s just about coming together for a great day of footy. Forgetting about your club hats for the day and watching the best team wins.”

She said the IComply Cup provides even more colour and fun at the end of the day.

“We had the first one last year – it’s a really entertaining event, they get a lot of supporters that come along,” she said.

“Last year we saw, it might have been the Fijian ladies, who had their drums and all. It’s pretty much Vanuatu v Fiji.

“There will be a bit of emotion there as well with the Fillies playing for the first time for the Scott Goodwin Memorial Cup. His daughter is playing for the Italian Women’s side but she will be their along with her, sister, brother and mum to watch the game and to watch the game and present the trophy at the end. It will be emotional but also a lovely tribute who contributed so much to women’s football and to soccer in general. Scott had a really big heart and he’d do anything for anyone and it’s a great way to honour him.”

Teams: Men Italy: Sandro Stafanon (Inter), Stephen Torrisi (Carl), Michal Torrisi (Carl), Johnnie Torrisi (Carl), Michael Vaticano ((Carl), Simon Mascadri (Carl), Dave Bin (Inter), Luke Webb (City), Luke Gasparin (United), Luke Andreatta (City), Ben Staley (City), Matthew Biddulph (City), Nathan Webb (City), Nick Gallego (City), Daniel Gunnlaugsson (City).

Australia: Jamie Carnell (Ball), Coen Taylor (Ball), Levi Hill (Ball), Nigel Elderidge (Inter), Harry Coleman (Carl), Kobi Jones (City), Hunter Clark (City), Dylan Politch (United), Brad Rub (United), Ryan Burgess (United), Alistair Stewart (United), Ryan Cullow (Carl), Hayden Gaske (Carl), Carl Gray (Ball), Jacob Steele (Inter).

Women: Italy: Anika Spiller (Ball), Ashley Bell (Thunder), Alessia Gasparin (Inter), Ulea Elings (Inter), Jessica Pradella (Inter), Alexandra Giammattei (Inter) Melanie Reedy (Olympic), Steffanie Goodwin (Willowburn), Megan Jones (Temp), Juliette Pompetti (Inter), Georgia Favero (Thunder), India St John (Union), Brooklyn Favero (Temp), Samantha Croft (Tent).