Across the fairways

From left, Ivan Juriss accepts Finch Cup presented by Stanthorpe vice captain Greg Fraser.

Stanthorpe Golf

Ivan Juriss has taken out the Finch Cup at Stanthorpe, winning the Stableford event on 15 June with a score of 37.

Eric and Shaneen McLellan were sponsors for the day.

Juriss’ round showed steady scoring at each hole and included three birdies which was a great help to his score.

A few players were one shot away on 36 points with the count back going in favour of Greg Carey. Also on 36 points were Ron Batterham and Scott Constable who featured in the run down.

The ladies’ event resulted in a tie for first place with both Lyn Ludlow and Maria Carey returning 37 points. The count back again in place to find a winner, this time Lyn Ludlow being the lucky one to take the honour and add her name to the ladies’ Finch Cup. Maria collecting runner up. Down the line honours went to Mei Bell and Kay Webb.

Men’s pin shots went Greg Carey at 3 and Andrew Burgess at 12. Didn’t appear to be any takers for the pin shot at 17. Pro-pins were won by Alan Walker at 9/18 and Andrew Burgess at 5/14.

Helen Jones collected for her approach at 2/11 and pin shot at 12. Linda kelly had best approach at 2/11 and Lisa Stuart collected for pin shots at 3 and 17.

The course was in very good condition except for the suspected night raiders, feral pigs, making a mess of the fairway at the top of the course. All players really enjoyed the pin positions and some likened them to the Pinehurst number two course. Players had to leave their approaches in the right place to avoid in some cases, putting off the green.

Most members should be aware of the Zone One carnival which this year is being played at Inglewood GC on Sunday 14 July, the club has sent an email to members for this. Although the day is an open event, the gross winner of the event must be a member of a Zone One club which includes Stanthorpe GC.

Saturday 22 June is a stroke event and the day is sponsored by Peter Patti Painting. The time sheet as always is available on line so book early to get your favoured tee off place.

Stanthorpe Sporters Golfers

Stanthorpe Sporters golfers played the back nine on Sunday 16 June and it great to see some new players in the event as well as some returning players who have been out injured for some time.

A welcome then to Brett Morgan and Peter Morgan playing their first game of Sporters golf. A bright sunny morning was on hand for the 8 am tee off.

Best score in for the day came from Ivan Juriss, making it two wins for the weekend. Ivan had a score of 42 and a nett 31 to claim the win. Dick Hilton and John Rawlings also returned nett 31, the cut of the cards going in favour of Ivan first, Dick second to claim runner up prize and John in third place for the run down.

Best gross of the day was from Paul Armstrong, always consitent, 42 for the round.

Being the back nine in play, there were two pin shots on offer. The last few weeks hasn’t been too many winners but both NTP’s were won. At 12, Gary Kirby had the best tee shot but apparently didn’t putt too well on the hole. Stewart Rayner held the green at 17 to win the ball on offer, although there was some suggestion of collusion among players which was not investigated.

Stanthorpe Sporters are on again next Sunday 23 June with the front nine to be in play. All are indeed welcome to come and participate, turn up at the course ready for an 8am tee off.

Stanthorpe Ladies Golf

Linda Kelly has won the Stanthorpe Ladies Golf Stableford played at the course last week.

Kelly had an outstanding game and finished with 42 points. Mei Bell and Lynette Ludlow also played very well. Both ladies had 36 points. Mei was runner up on a count back from Lynette. Pin shots were won by Lisa Stuart on the 12th, Linda on the 7/16th and Mei won the 5/14th and 17th holes.

Warwick Sporters Golf

There were 66 starters in this past week’s Stableford game and long-time sponsor Danny Lyons made the most of the good weather posting an excellent 40 points to take the winners spoils.

A count back on 38 points was required to separate Wayne Wells and Don Iedema with Wells taking the second spot thus relegating Iedema to a ball in the run down. Other run down winners were Mick Banks and Troy Alford on 37 points.Paul Hynes and Kel Lucas 36 points and rounding things out on 35 points were Dave Gengos, Ron Cruice and Ross Bell.

The Pro Pin 13th winners were John Porter, Ron Cruice and Craig Burgess.

Nearest the pins:- 5th Danny Lyons, 7th Daffy Hynes, 9th Ron Cruice 11th Jesse Ollerton and 16th Troy Alsford.

Warwick Women

Trish Bell continued her red-hot form this past week to take home the goodies from the sponsor Lara Farrell Hair Design.

Bell had 39 points and was closely followed by her 4BBB partner, Jill Barnes who was runner up from Helen Olsen, both with 38. Olsen, along with Di Evans, Narelle Norris, Kath Devereux 37, Lynn Lane 36 and Ann Tomkins 35 received balls in the rundown.

Roslyn Darton won the pro pin ahead of Jan Aspinall, Kath and Melanie McLennan.

Remaining scores were, Maria Carey 35, Roslyn 34, Di Johnston, Janine Stewart 33, Di Macdonald 32, Jan Aspinall, Sharron Cooper, Jo McAntee, Marg Adcock 30, Wendy Rhea, Mary Young 29, Melanie McLennan, Lyn McKillop 28, Yvonne Pinington, Patti Hemmimgs 25 and Vicki Bennet 21.

A smaller field of 12 ladies played a Par v SS sponsored by Cherry Tree Coffee and Dining. Danielle finished with a great +3, closely followed by Roslyn Darton on +2. Balls went to Jill Barnes finishing on 0, Donna Keogh -1, Marg Adcock and Yvonne Pinington -2. Other scores were Ann Tomkins, Narelle Norris, Lyn McKillop -3, Liz Cockram -4, Jo McAntee -6 and Helen Olsen -7. The Pro Pin was won by Jill followed by Danielle, Marg and Narelle.

Wednesday the women will play a stroke on the red course and Saturday is a red stableford. The semi-finals of the 4BBB Handicap Matchplay will also be played on Saturday with the final on Sunday. Best of luck to the pairs still going there.

Thursday (20th) a group of women will travel to Toowoomba Golf Club for their Open Day and June Pennants is at City next Friday when they play Cabarlah.