Waterworth whitewash

Stanthorpe Ladies Monthly Medal winner Nikki Waterworth with sponsor Mick O’Brien and Ladies Captain Mei Bell.

Stanthorpe local golfing talents Matthew and Nikki Waterworth have dominated the Dale Mullen’s Trophy event at Stanthorpe Golf and Country Club at the weekend.

Matthew won the prestigious ‘Dale Mullen’s Trophy’ with the best gross score on the day while his wife, Nikki won the women’s best gross.

The Dale (Duck) Mullen’s trophy is sponsored by Michael Thompson.

Thompson spoke movingly of Dale, their friendship and the tragedy of Dale’s early passing 20 years ago. The Stanthorpe club is grateful to Thompson for bringing Dale’s memory before the club each year.

Thompson also sponsored nearest the pin shots (pro pins) for each hole. Congratulations go to; Wesley Smith, Ivan Juriss, Hayden Smith, Dave Burgess, Scott Constable, Michael Thompson, Michael O’Brien and Greg Fraser. The Ladies pin shots went to Nikki Waterworth, Lisa Stuart and Loraine Evans.

There was a concurrent (net) competition on the day, being the first competition of the month and a big shout out to Mick O’Brien for sponsoring the ‘Monthly Medal.’ O’Brien is one of the really solid club golfers and his contribution and sponsorship is greatly appreciated by the club.

The Ladies winner was Nikki Waterworth with Linda Kelly runner-up on a count back. The men’s winner was Lochie Hendry with Rick Goodrich runner-up. The putting competition went to Lisa Stuart (30) and Todd Beckett and Ivan Juriss both on 29 putts.

It was an icy day. The wind and chill factor meant that only the die hards fronted the fairways. Despite the weather the club were able to give a warm welcome visitors from Ballarat, Redcliffe, and Gatton.

Next week (13 July) will be a single stableford competition sponsored by Reece Plumbing – with many thanks to Tom Fittock.

Warwick Sporters Golf

There were 29 brave souls who despite the arctic blast played the stableford game to prove that you don’t have to be mad to play golf in those conditions but it would probably help.

Greg Carey took the honours with 37 points, Doug Wilson on 36 points took second spot after count back and relegated Barry McKinnon to a ball in the run-down.

Others to feature in the run down were Danny Lyons, Daffy Hynes and Evan Pfeffer all on 35 points.

The Pro Pin 13th winners were Sean Haynes and Darren Rabbitt.

Nearest the pins, 5th A Skinner, 7th Daffy Hynes, 9th Jesse Ollerton, 11th Danny Lyons and 16th Mark Simmonds.