Women in impressive draw

Warwick Women's players Jill Barnes, Narelle Norris, Roslyn Darton, Melanie McLennan, and Jo McAntee were all smiles after squaring their matches again Toowoomba City at Oakey golf course this past week. (Submitted).

Warwick Women’s Golf Pennant team has finished with a draw against Toowoomba City at Oakey golf course on Friday 26 July.

The Warwick team consisted of Jill Barnes, Narelle Norris, Roslyn Darton, Melanie McLennan, and Jo McAntee and played some tough matches, before managing to secure a draw for the day. More valuable points to our Adam Falconer Pennants score, Keep up the great work Ladies!

The weather turned it on on Wednesday 24 July, with a good field of ladies taking the opportunity to soak up the glorious sun. Janice Thomas had a great day with a super score of 61 nett to win the day. Following Thomas on the leaderboard was Di Johnston, with an awesome 65 nett which any other day would have romped it home, but Thomas was the one to shine. Janine Stewart had 67 nett, Jo McAntee, Judy Lester, Barnes all had 68 nett, while Anna Cox, and Ann Lyons scored 69 nett. All of these fine scores scored their owners a ball in the day’s rundown. The pro pin was taken out by Roslyn Darton with a fine birdie, and she shared it with Janice, Jo and Janine. Thank you to The Little Gallery Cafe for being such a fine sponsor of the day.

Saturday 27 saw a Single Stableford sponsored by our newest sponsor, Scott Mills from the Killarney Hotel. Kath Devereux had a good win with 38 points, no doubt that will be very valuable towards your shoot out scores Kath, Well done! Wendy Rhea won the best front 9, with 18 points, on a countback from Judy Lester. Danielle Elkington scooped the back 9, with a fine 21 points. Rundown scores went to Judy Lester 37, Ann Lyons 36, Jo McAntee 35, and Molly Scotney 34.

Stanthorpe Women’s Golf

Stunning weather greeted the lady golfers on Tuesday 23 July following week’s of icy unfavourable conditions.

A stableford competition was played today. Lisa Stuart continues to play excellent golf and won the event with 32 points. Denise Arlidge who has recently returned to golf after a long spell away from the game was runner up with 31 points. Stuart dominated the nearest to the pin shots and claimed the 7/16th, 5/14th and the 17th. Linda Kelly had a beautiful shot on to the 12th green and won the pin shot there.