August medal winners decided

Winners are grinners. Di Evans and Liz Cochram sporting Club Warwick RSL vouchers after their wins in this weeks Club Warwick RSL Monthly Medals. ( submitted).

Liz Cockram and Di Evans have added their names to the Monthly Medals board following wins in the Warwick Women’s Monthly medal for August.

The pair automatically go into the Medal of Medallists Event at the end of the year.

Division One was won by Liz Cockram who had a great round of 69 nett, and also won the putting with only 27 putts. Division Two was won by Di Evans, who had a blinder with 67 nett. Both ladies having great scores and were all smiles when returning to the club house.

The club also hosted Nina from Gailes golf club as well, who played really well, having a 69 nett, with only 23 putts. Nina obviously liked out greens, handling them like a true professional. Nina won the pro pin on the 9th, and shared it with Margaret Adcock, Roslyn Darton, and Jo McAntee.

Approaches for Division One were won by Margaret Adcock, with an impressive Eagle on the sixth, and Anne Lyons on the 14th. In Division Two, Lyn McKillop was the closest on the second and Kath Devereux on the 15th. Annice Payne won the putts for Division Two with just 25 great putts.

Wednesday July 31, the Women members took to the course to contest the Club Warwick RSL Mid-Week Medal. A good field was had, with Jo McAntee playing well to take out Division One, with a fantastic 77 off the stick, to give her a card of 68 nett. Judy Lester was not far away with 70 nett, with Anna Cox taking out the putting with only 28 putts.

Congratulations to Maria Carey who took the top podium prize for Division Two, with a great 70 nett. Maria has been playing lovely golf lately and improves every day. Well done, Maria. Yvonne Pinington was the next clever golfer for Division Two, with a very handy 71 nett. Majella Kahler won the putting with just 29 putts.

Sam Hinze took out both the approaches for Division One, with Donna Keogh winning the front nineapproach, and Roslyn Darton the back 9. Jill Barnes won the pro pin, sharing it with Judy, Majella, and Vicki Bennett.

Stanthorpe Golf Club

Saturday 3 August was a perfect day for golf and it had all the drama of a Western movie at Stanthorpe Golf Club.

Jason Bacon drove the ball half way to Warwick – ‘Good’; Max Hunter’s chipping – ‘Bad’ and Richard Reardon’s hooking – ‘Ugly’.

A good day was had by all, particularly the women’s winners; Helen Jones, Lynette Ludlow with run downs to Mei Bell and Lisa Stuart. Pin shots to Nikki Waterworth and Lisa Stuart. Every Western Movie has to have a sharpshooter and that went to Nikki Waterworth for the putting.

A good Western Movie also needs some ‘Young Guns’ – congratulations to Matt Burgess and runner up Hamish Adam. However, a good Western will have a wise old man with a ‘steady hand’ – and the wise old sharp-shooter for the day’s putting was none other than Keith Allen. Pin Shots to Hamish Adam, Barry Jones, Scott Constable, Alan Walker and Harry Day.

The day was made so successful and pleasurable because of the generous sponsor, GO VITA.

Golfers are reminded that Sunday 11 is the Bendigo Bank Foursomes starting at 9:30am. Next Saturday the 10 August will be sponsored by the Brass Monkey Brewery.