Zone titles for Warwick-based bowlers

A special presentation was held at the Warwick East bowls club for the district Champion of Champions ladies pairs winners Sue Butz and Julie Foster by SDDLBA President Margaret Wright, Julie and Sue are now off to Taroom next weekend to represent us in the zone, congratulations and good luck ladies.

Three Warwick-based bowlers are off to Taroom next weekend for the zone ladies titles.

Warwick East Bowls District Champion of Champions ladies pairs winners Sue Butz and Julie Foster will be joined by district singles champion Warwick Bowls Club competitor Faye Flint at the titles.

A special presentation was held at the Warwick East bowls club for the ladies pairs winners Butz and Foster by SDDLBA President Margaret Wright.

Warwick Bowls Club

18 players took to the green on Wednesday for social bowls.

Lorna Tucker, Dave Russell and Trevor Wright defeated Trish Owens, Marion Cirson and James White 25 to 16.

Peter Guy, Marion Skaines and Russell Bean played Sue Butz, Shane Bailey and Clark Davidson just pipping them in the last end 16 to 15.

Barry Perks, Roger Cavanagh and Dave Scotney scored a 7 on one end to get well up on Vic Skilton, Michael Dungey and Ray Southee finishing 22 to 11.

Winners of the Domino’s vouchers were Lorna Tucker and Shane Bailey.

Five rinks of pairs were played on Saturday. In the second round, winners played winners and losers played losers. Ray Southee and Jim Rickard 10 defeated Marian Cirson and Faye Flint 6. Ken Hayes and Clark Davidson 11 defeated Pat Seipelt and Lorna Tucker 9. Gary Cooper and Geoff Davis 13 beat Shane Bailey and Russell Bean 5. John Ruhle and Dave Scotney 11 defeated Vic Skilton and Trevor Wright 5. Michael Dungey and Craig Thurgate 11 beat Dave Russell and Marion Skaines 8.

Lorna Tucker won a free game and Marian Cirson picked up $25 in the raffle.

Player of the day was Pat Seipelt who must have thought there were chocolates to be won, as she was quite often on the jack. Good luck to Faye Flint in the singles at Taroom this weekend.

Saturday, 10 August – Social Bowls at 1pm. Names down between 12pm and 12.30pm. Clubhouse 4661 1516. All welcome, especially beginners and travellers.

Wednesday, 14 August – Domino’s sponsored Social Bowls at 1pm.


The following teams have been selected for the final trial on Saturday. All teams are printed from lead to skip – Team One – Jamie Zamprogno, Frank Taylor, Dale Callaghan and Tony Schubert – Team Two – Darren Stanley, Michael Sweeney, David Stibbard and Rob Capelli – Team Three – Matthew Murphy, Owen O’Brien, Tyler Sweeney and Steve Martin – Team Four – Maree Ball, Cliff Jones, Cameron Wilson and Carl Sutherland – Team 5 – Rod Crome, Pam Moore, Adrian Jackson and Glenn Preston – Reserves – Peter Balmer, Larry Mullins, Joe Straatman and Rod Newlands. Please remember to arrive at the club before 12.30 or ring your name in. The club has a message bank. Names in earlier will lead to fairer selections.

There was good roll up on Saturday. For a change there was pleasant weather. Results are as follows Game One: Mattie Murphy, Merrylea Wilson, Owen O’Brien and Steve Martin 13 v Margaret Harvey, Mattie Murphy, Phil Davis ]and Alex Mattiazzi 10; Game Two – Darren Stanley, Larry Mullins, David Stibbard and Rob Capelli 14 defeated Joe Straatman, Frank Taylor, Dale Callaghan and Tony Schubert 14; Game Three: Rod Crome, George Little, Cameron Wilson and Adrian Jackson 23 v Maree Ball, Pam Moore, Rod Newlands and Glenn Preston 11; Game

Four: Cliff Jones, Peter Ayerst and Brian Wilmot 23 v Bill Larsen, Barry Murphy and Michael Sweeney 7.

The next event on the club’s competition calendar will be the Men’s B Grade Singles. This event is open to those who have not won a B Grade or and A Grade at any club. Nomination sheet is on the board.

Calendar for the coming weeks – Saturday 10 August Final Pennant Practice; Saturday 17 August :District Pennants at The Summit – all three divisions; Sunday, 18 August: District Pennants – first division only; Tuesday, 20 August: Turkey Triples; Saturday, 24 August: Men’s B Grade Singles.

Warwick East

A special presentation was held at the Warwick East bowls club for our district Champion of Champions ladies pairs winners Sue Butz and Julie Foster by SDDLBA President Margaret Wright, Julie and Sue are now off to taroom next weekend to represent us in the zone, congratulations and good luck ladies