Register for life support

PEOPLE on the Southern Downs using equipment for confirmed life-threatening medical conditions should register with Ergon Energy’s Life Support program before the onset of the storm and cyclone season.
The program is designed to assist customers who are dependent upon life support equipment which requires continuous electricity supply.
“There are still genuinely ill people in our communities who are not registered with the program and I urge them to contact Ergon for more information, spokesman Paul Ryan said.
Ergon currently has 2700 registered life support customers and the number is growing by an average 14 a week and is expected to increase over time because of an ageing population.
“Equipment such as home dialysis machines, ventilators and oxygen machines used by children through to older people with confirmed medical conditions, require continuous electricity supply.
“For registered customers, Ergon provides quick and easy access to information about power supply interruptions – planned and unplanned – via the dedicated emergency number 13 16 70 or from its web site.
For more information contact Ergon Energy for a brochure on 13 10 46 or visit its web site at