Weighty issue causes alarm

Peter Mutch of Warwick has a checkup from third year medical student Kathleen Lonigan at the Warwick Rodeo.108869


AN alarming 70 per cent of people in the region are overweight or obese, according to the according to the National Health Performance Report.
The report lists the Darling Downs, South Burnett and South West Queensland population as being 34 per cent overweight and 36 per cent as obese, meaning that seven out of every 10 adults are now in this category.
Darling Downs South West Queensland Medicare Local CEO, Andrew Harvey, said the report provides a good reality-check to local communities, and that Medicare Locals are well-placed to activate local programs in order to address this alarming statistic.
‘We have funding to support programs and activities to promote healthy lifestyles, to manage conditions related to obesity such as diabetes, and to promote good nutrition to keep people healthy and well,” Mr Harvey said.
“It is clear from the report that those living in regional and rural Australia are particularly struggling to maintain a healthy weight range,” he said.
Free health care checks at the Warwick Rodeo are among the programs offered by Medicare Local.
Psychologist Jane Harte said the response from the rodeo crowd was heartening.
“We’ve been seeing men just running in,” Ms Harte said.