Warwick Bowls Club

THE draw for the S/S Fours is on the board and bowlers called to play on Saturday 30 November are: D Neal, C Farrell, K Gimm, P Wagner versus R Bone, K Cunning, C Johnson, H Gibson.
The winners will play D Buchbach, D Christensen, M O’Leary, P Collis on or before Saturday, 7 December. The other two teams of W Tucker, B Black, D Warr, J Ruhle and T Seaniger, T Wright, E Welsh, J Rickard will also play on or before that date.
The C/S Pairs final will be played this afternoon at 1pm between T Seaniger and P Collis versus G Murphy and D Christensen.
Results for Jackpot Pairs played last Wednesday: D Buchbach/ K Bryson +7; K Cunning/ B Johnstone +7; A Naylor/ M O’Leary -3; R and S Valentine -13; K Gimm/ J Ruhle -17; T Wright/ W Preston +13; K Blomfield/ L Collie -7; R Smith/ D Maher +7; D Neal/ P Collis -7; B Black/ D Warr -5; M Holder/ E Welsh +14; L Meiklejohn/ H Gibson -9. The jackpot stayed in the clubhouse once again, but guess who won the chooks? None other than the jackpot kings – Peter Collis’ team.
Only six bowlers turned up on Saturday for a game of triples and the result was: B Buckel, D Neal, Mick Flanagan 20 versus K Gimm, G Murphy, H Gibson 14.
Looking ahead the club has Social on Saturday, the last summer’s cash day on Wednesday 27 November with double cash prize. Pittsworth Livestock Transport on Sunday 1 December and don’t forget to put your name down for our Christmas party on Sunday 21 December, free bowls at 3pm barbecue at 6pm.
Ladies and visitors are welcomed to join club members on any of these days, names in by 12.30pm for play at 1pm. Phone 4661 1516.