Two mice – once, twice, thrice

Three pairs of mice have fallen foul of standard mousetraps. 111350_01

INGLEWOOD’s Denis O’Reilly reckons it’s the peanut paste, not an innate mousing ability that has led to a remarkable series of catches.
Not once, not twice, but three times in as many weeks Denis has found a standard “el-cheapo” mousetrap has sprung its trap on two mice at once.
Denis said he had been really surprised when he caught the first two mice in the one trap a few weeks ago but surprise turned to amazement when the phenomenon was repeated not once but twice more in the following two weeks.
The last unlucky pair of mice were trapped last week.
Inglewood correspondent Mavis Stower said there was no mouse plague and the little critters might have been from a nearby nest.
Denis joked that the secret of his success as a trapper was more likely to be the smear of peanut paste on the cheese used to bait the trap rather than him being an exceptional trapper.