Southern Cross Bowls

OUR first day back on the green proved to be very popular even though the hot weather was a bit of a deterrent. It was also nice to see a few visiting club members.
The winners were Q Hamer, D Scotney/Slave and J Woodrow. Results: D Cross, T Bourke, C Davidson, M O’Leary def D Furness, J Marriott, B Rowlings, Y Reid 26-16; M Mitchell, T Hagley, W Tucker, R Vidler def Prickles, B Doherty, M Ford, T Aspinall 18-16; Q Hamer, D. Scotney/Slave, J Woodrow def N Fletcher, G Penn, B Bourke 18-17.
Even though the club has two teams going to Tenterfield next Sunday 26 February there will still be social bowls for those looking forward to a game. Names in by 12.30pm please.
Names are also being taken now for the District Fours which are being played at the Cross on 1 February.
On Saturday 8 February the club will run social mixed bowls and welcomes any visiting or non-bowler who would like to come along for a game. Play to start at 1.30pm so names in by 1pm please.
Coming up on 16 February will be the Open Carnival. This is self-selected, so members asked asked to organise their teams and put on the board.
On Thursday 23 January the ladies start off with a meeting at 10.30am. Play to begin at 1pm.
There will be one call-up – L Butler v L Heywood to play the final of the A grade singles and social bowls will also be played.