Legal Aid in town

TENTERFIELD district residents can now receive free legal help at the Tenterfield Community Hub.
Legal Aid NSW in partnership with solicitors A W Simpson & Co are running free monthly legal advice clinics in the town.
The new service could save those needing advice the two-hour drive to the nearest Legal Aid office in Lismore or a three-hour drive to the Tamworth office.
People can seek legal advice on issues like credit and debt, criminal law problems, disputes with Centrelink, tenancy problems and discrimination.
Legal advice can also be sought over problems related to victims’ compensation, family law and care and protection matters, and Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders – among other things.
Through this new service, the Tenterfield community can now directly access legal advice about a range of issues including what to do about the child custody if separating, mobile phone contracts and how to deal with unexpected charges or problems with Centrelink.
Clinics are held every fourth Tuesday of the month from 11am-2pm at Tenterfield Community Hub 204 Rouse Street, Tenterfield. For an appointment, call (02) 6736 4443.